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Updated MGMSystemInfo to include Mountain Lion. Updated to version 0.2.1. Apparently fixed some issues in the PHP script.
Cleaned up code, changed license to ISC License (ISCL), added lion to MGMSystemInfo, cleaned up form data body creation code.
Fixed Strings
Added translation for French and Swedish.
Fixed for 10.4, made it not https as I will not have https later on, fixed transaltions.
Fixed typo...
Added script to add PowerPC support for Xcode 4.5. All you need is Xcode 3.2.6 (as specified if you run without it) and Xcode 4 from the App Store. This may work with future releases, however I am not aware of that as I cannot time travel.
Added disclaimer to scripts and added a new script which copies files from Xcode 3 to Xcode 4 to add support for PowerPC using GCC 4.0, GCC 4.2, and LLVM GCC 4.2.
Added /usr/local/git/bin/ as a possible path for git.
Xcode Scripts Start
Somehow I forgot to add the license, just now realized that. SoundNote has been under the ISCL.
Fixed issues with 10.4-10.5 not having IORegistryEntryGetRegistryEntryID and issue where the name of the notes file was .txt instead of rtf. Updated version to 0.2.1
SoundNote 0.2 Start
Just because I noticed it break the tags to where it overflows, it now just uses the tag cleaner for finding out the link. Yes this can infact cause a problem if there is a span tag inside the link, but I am not to sure if I want to spend the time to detect inner tags. I think people won't mind if the link sometimes ends up being with the image.
Changed way it gets the link to improve probability of it getting the link without html.
Made it check the path of the url and not the full url to prevent it from allowing urls with the parameters of an image extension. Made it not embed images from people that are strangers unless you set a default to allow images by strangers.
Adinline Start