347 lines
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9.0 KiB
/* SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
* Copyright (C) 2017-2023 WireGuard LLC. All Rights Reserved.
package tun
import (
_ "unsafe"
const (
rateMeasurementGranularity = uint64((time.Second / 2) / time.Nanosecond)
spinloopRateThreshold = 800000000 / 8 // 800mbps
spinloopDuration = uint64(time.Millisecond / 80 / time.Nanosecond) // ~1gbit/s
type rateJuggler struct {
current atomic.Uint64
nextByteCount atomic.Uint64
nextStartTime atomic.Int64
changing atomic.Bool
type NativeTun struct {
wt *wintun.Adapter
name string
handle windows.Handle
rate rateJuggler
session wintun.Session
readWait windows.Handle
events chan Event
running sync.WaitGroup
closeOnce sync.Once
close atomic.Bool
mtu int
var (
WintunTunnelType = "vxlan"
WintunGUIDPrefix = "virtual-vxlan Windows GUID v1"
//go:linkname procyield runtime.procyield
func procyield(cycles uint32)
//go:linkname nanotime runtime.nanotime
func nanotime() int64
// Create an 128bit GUID using interface name.
func generateGUIDByDeviceName(name string) (*windows.GUID, error) {
hash := md5.New()
_, err := hash.Write([]byte(WintunGUIDPrefix + name))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
sum := hash.Sum(nil)
return (*windows.GUID)(unsafe.Pointer(&sum[0])), nil
// CreateTUN creates a Wintun interface with the given name. Should a Wintun
// interface with the same name exist, it is reused.
func CreateTUN(ifname string, mtu int) (Device, error) {
guid, err := generateGUIDByDeviceName(ifname)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return CreateTUNWithRequestedGUID(ifname, guid, mtu)
// CreateTUNWithRequestedGUID creates a Wintun interface with the given name and
// a requested GUID. Should a Wintun interface with the same name exist, it is reused.
func CreateTUNWithRequestedGUID(ifname string, requestedGUID *windows.GUID, mtu int) (Device, error) {
wt, err := wintun.CreateAdapter(ifname, WintunTunnelType, requestedGUID)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("error creating interface: %w", err)
forcedMTU := 1420
if mtu > 0 {
forcedMTU = mtu
tun := &NativeTun{
wt: wt,
name: ifname,
handle: windows.InvalidHandle,
events: make(chan Event, 10),
mtu: forcedMTU,
err = tun.setMTU(windows.AF_INET, forcedMTU)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("error setting MTU for IPv4: %w", err)
err = tun.setMTU(windows.AF_INET6, forcedMTU)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("error setting MTU for IPv6: %w", err)
tun.session, err = wt.StartSession(0x800000) // Ring capacity, 8 MiB
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("error starting session: %w", err)
tun.readWait = tun.session.ReadWaitEvent()
return tun, nil
func (tun *NativeTun) Name() (string, error) {
return tun.name, nil
func (tun *NativeTun) File() *os.File {
return nil
func (tun *NativeTun) Events() <-chan Event {
return tun.events
func (tun *NativeTun) Close() error {
var err error
tun.closeOnce.Do(func() {
if tun.wt != nil {
return err
func (tun *NativeTun) setMTU(family winipcfg.AddressFamily, mtu int) error {
luid := winipcfg.LUID(tun.LUID())
ipif, err := luid.IPInterface(family)
if err != nil {
return err
ipif.NLMTU = uint32(mtu)
return ipif.Set()
func (tun *NativeTun) SetMTU(mtu int) error {
if tun.close.Load() {
return nil
err := tun.setMTU(windows.AF_INET, mtu)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error setting MTU for IPv4: %v", err)
err = tun.setMTU(windows.AF_INET6, mtu)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error setting MTU for IPv6: %v", err)
update := tun.mtu != mtu
tun.mtu = mtu
if update {
tun.events <- EventMTUUpdate
return nil
func (tun *NativeTun) MTU() (int, error) {
return tun.mtu, nil
// Note: Read() and Write() assume the caller comes only from a single thread; there's no locking.
func (tun *NativeTun) Read(b []byte) (int, error) {
defer tun.running.Done()
if tun.close.Load() {
return 0, os.ErrClosed
start := nanotime()
shouldSpin := tun.rate.current.Load() >= spinloopRateThreshold && uint64(start-tun.rate.nextStartTime.Load()) <= rateMeasurementGranularity*2
for {
if tun.close.Load() {
return 0, os.ErrClosed
packet, err := tun.session.ReceivePacket()
switch err {
case nil:
n := copy(b, packet)
return n, nil
case windows.ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS:
if !shouldSpin || uint64(nanotime()-start) >= spinloopDuration {
windows.WaitForSingleObject(tun.readWait, windows.INFINITE)
goto retry
case windows.ERROR_HANDLE_EOF:
return 0, os.ErrClosed
case windows.ERROR_INVALID_DATA:
return 0, errors.New("send ring corrupt")
return 0, fmt.Errorf("Read failed: %w", err)
func (tun *NativeTun) Write(b []byte) (int, error) {
defer tun.running.Done()
if tun.close.Load() {
return 0, os.ErrClosed
packetSize := len(b)
packet, err := tun.session.AllocateSendPacket(packetSize)
switch err {
case nil:
// TODO: Explore options to eliminate this copy.
copy(packet, b)
return packetSize, nil
case windows.ERROR_HANDLE_EOF:
return 0, os.ErrClosed
return 0, nil // Dropping when ring is full.
return 0, fmt.Errorf("Write failed: %w", err)
// LUID returns Windows interface instance ID.
func (tun *NativeTun) LUID() uint64 {
defer tun.running.Done()
if tun.close.Load() {
return 0
return tun.wt.LUID()
func (tun *NativeTun) SetIPAddresses(addresses []netip.Prefix) error {
luid := winipcfg.LUID(tun.LUID())
err := luid.SetIPAddresses(addresses)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to set address: %w", err)
return nil
func addrFromSocketAddress(sockAddr windows.SocketAddress) netip.Addr {
ip := sockAddr.IP()
ip4 := ip.To4()
var addr netip.Addr
if ip4 != nil {
addr = netip.AddrFrom4([4]byte(ip4))
} else {
addr = netip.AddrFrom16([16]byte(ip))
return addr
func (tun *NativeTun) GetIPAddresses() ([]netip.Prefix, error) {
luid := winipcfg.LUID(tun.LUID())
ipAdaters, err := winipcfg.GetAdaptersAddresses(windows.AF_UNSPEC, winipcfg.GAAFlagIncludePrefix|winipcfg.GAAFlagSkipAnycast|winipcfg.GAAFlagSkipMulticast|winipcfg.GAAFlagSkipDNSServer|winipcfg.GAAFlagSkipFriendlyName|winipcfg.GAAFlagSkipDNSInfo)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to get IP adapters: %w", err)
var prefixes []netip.Prefix
for _, ipAdater := range ipAdaters {
if ipAdater.LUID == luid {
unicast := ipAdater.FirstUnicastAddress
for unicast != nil {
addr := addrFromSocketAddress(unicast.Address)
prefix := ipAdater.FirstPrefix
for prefix != nil {
pAddr := addrFromSocketAddress(prefix.Address)
if (pAddr.Is4() && prefix.PrefixLength != 32) || (pAddr.Is6() && prefix.PrefixLength != 128) {
nPrefix := netip.PrefixFrom(pAddr, int(prefix.PrefixLength))
if nPrefix.Contains(addr) {
prefixes = append(prefixes, netip.PrefixFrom(addr, int(prefix.PrefixLength)))
prefix = nil
prefix = prefix.Next
unicast = unicast.Next
return prefixes, nil
func (tun *NativeTun) AddRoute(destination netip.Prefix, gateway netip.Addr, metric int) error {
luid := winipcfg.LUID(tun.LUID())
return luid.AddRoute(destination, gateway, uint32(metric))
func (tun *NativeTun) RemoveRoute(destination netip.Prefix, gateway netip.Addr) error {
luid := winipcfg.LUID(tun.LUID())
return luid.DeleteRoute(destination, gateway)
// RunningVersion returns the running version of the Wintun driver.
func (tun *NativeTun) RunningVersion() (version uint32, err error) {
return wintun.RunningVersion()
func (rate *rateJuggler) update(packetLen uint64) {
now := nanotime()
total := rate.nextByteCount.Add(packetLen)
period := uint64(now - rate.nextStartTime.Load())
if period >= rateMeasurementGranularity {
if !rate.changing.CompareAndSwap(false, true) {
rate.current.Store(total * uint64(time.Second/time.Nanosecond) / period)