2023-09-09 22:39:48 -05:00

53 lines
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package main
import (
// Flags supplied to cli.
type Flags struct {
ConfigPath string
HTTPBind string
HTTPPort uint
Update bool
// Parse the supplied flags.
func (a *App) ParseFlags() {
app.flags = new(Flags)
flag.Usage = func() {
fmt.Printf(serviceName + ": " + serviceDescription + ".\n\nUsage:\n")
// If version is requested.
var printVersion bool
flag.BoolVar(&printVersion, "v", false, "Print version")
// Override configuration path.
usage := "Load configuration from `FILE`"
flag.StringVar(&app.flags.ConfigPath, "config", "", usage)
flag.StringVar(&app.flags.ConfigPath, "c", "", usage+" (shorthand)")
// Config overrides for http configurations.
flag.StringVar(&app.flags.HTTPBind, "http-bind", "", "Bind address for http server")
flag.UintVar(&app.flags.HTTPPort, "http-port", 0, "Bind port for http server")
// Runs database update for Slack and Planning Center information,
// then it creates slack channels if needed.
usage = "Update database and create channels"
flag.BoolVar(&app.flags.Update, "update", false, usage)
flag.BoolVar(&app.flags.Update, "u", false, usage+" (shorthand)")
// Parse the flags.
// Print version and exit if requested.
if printVersion {
fmt.Println(serviceName + ": " + serviceVersion)