# osc-mqtt-bridge A bridge between [Open Sound Control](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Open_Sound_Control) (OSC) and MQTT, allowind bidirectional communication. The main purpose of this tool is to provide a way to talk to devices that support OSC via MQTT messages for automation. ## Example configuration ```yaml relays: - mqtt_host: mqtt_port: 1883 mqtt_client_id: osc_mqtt_bridge mqtt_user: mqtt mqtt_password: PASSWORD mqtt_topic: osc/behringer_wing osc_host: osc_port: 2223 osc_bind_addr: # Change to this machine's IP address. Expected to be a static IP. log_level: 2 ``` ## Configuration specification ### Relay - `mqtt_host`: Hostname of the MQTT broker. - `mqtt_port`: Port of the MQTT broker. - `mqtt_client_id`: MQTT client ID of this relay. - `mqtt_user`: User name used for MQTT authentication. - `mqtt_password`: Password used for MQTT authentication. - `mqtt_topic`: Topic where MQTT messages are pushed and received. Set topic to `osc/example` and the following topics will be setup. - `osc/example/cmd/$OSC_CMD` - Any commands received on OSC will publish here. - `osc/example/send/$OSC_CMD` - Any commands pushed via MQTT will be forwarded to OSC. - `osc/example/bundle` - OSC Bundle messages. - `osc/example/bundle/send` - Send OSC Bundle messages. - `osc/example/status` - Configuration is published on startup. - `osc/example/status/check` - Request status.

- `mqtt_disable_config_send`: Disables the config send. - `osc_host`: Hostname for OSC client connection. - `osc_port`: Port for OSC client connection. - `osc_bind_addr`: Bind address of the OSC server. To have bidirectional mode, you must specify at least this, OscHost, and OscPort defined. You must specify the unicast IP address, cannot be ``. - `osc_bind_port`: Port of the OSC server. Defaults to OscPort if specified. - `osc_disallow_arbritary_command`: Disallows pushing to arbritary commands to the cmd topic. - `commands`: Pre-defined commands to relay. This is an array with the following variables. - `command`: The command path to send. - `mqtt_topic`: Absolute MQTT topic to subscribe. - `mqtt_sub_topic`: Sub topic off relay MQTT topic to subscribe. osc/example/$SUB_TOPIC - `disallow_payload`: Rather or not to disallow payload to be relayed. - `default_payload`: Payload to send if no payload is provided via MQTT or if DisallowPayload is true. This is an array of strings/integers/timestamps/bools.

- `osc_subscriptions`: OSC Comamnds to send at regular intervals. Useful for OSC servers that offers data subscriptions. This is an array with the following variables. - `command`: The command to send every interval. - `payload`: Payload to send. This is an array of strings/integers/timestamps/bools. - `interval`: How often to call the command.

- `log_level`: How much logging. - 0 - Errors - 1 - MQTT and OSC receive logging. - 2 - MQTT and OSC send logging. - 3 - Debug ## MQTT Message Example **Mute Behringer Wing channel 1**
Topic: osc/behringer_wing/send/ch/1/mute
Payload: `["1"]` **Behringer Wing get info**
Topic: osc/behringer_wing/send/?
Payload: ## Build ```bash go build ``` [Golang](https://go.dev/) 1.19 and below are known to have issues, 1.20 works. ## Config file location Same directory as the binary, in your home directory at `~/.config/mqtt-osc-bridge/config.yaml`, or under etc at `/etc/mqtt-osc-bridge/config.yaml`.