#!/bin/bash # This script is designed to handle mirror syncing tasks from external mirrors. # Each mirror is handled within a module which can be configured via the configuration file /etc/mirror-sync.conf. PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/home/mirror/.local/bin:/home/mirror/bin # Variables for trace generation. PROGRAM="mirror-sync" VERSION="20231114" TRACEHOST=$(hostname -f) mirror_hostname=$(hostname -f) DATE_STARTED=$(LC_ALL=POSIX LANG=POSIX date -u -R) INFO_TRIGGER=cron if [[ $SUDO_USER ]]; then INFO_TRIGGER=ssh fi # Pid file temporary path. PIDPATH="/tmp" PIDSUFFIX="-mirror-sync.pid" PIDFILE="" # To be filled by acquire_lock(). # Log file. LOGPATH="/var/log/mirror-sync" LOGFILE="" # To be filled by acquire_lock(). ERRORFILE="" # To be filled by acquire_lock(). error_count=0 max_errors=3 tmpDirBase="$HOME/tmp" sync_timeout="timeout 1d" # Do not check upstream unless it was updated in the last 5 hours. upstream_max_age=18000 # Update anyway if last check was more than 24 hours ago. upstream_timestamp_min=86400 # quick-fedora-mirror tool config. QFM_GIT="https://pagure.io/quick-fedora-mirror.git" QFM_PATH="$HOME/quick-fedora-mirror" QFM_BIN="$QFM_PATH/quick-fedora-mirror" # For installing Jigdo JIGDO_SOURCE_URL="http://deb.debian.org/debian/pool/main/j/jigdo/jigdo_0.8.0.orig.tar.xz" JIGDO_FILE_BIN="$HOME/bin/jigdo-file" JIGDO_MIRROR_BIN="$HOME/bin/jigdo-mirror" jigdoConf="$HOME/etc/jigdo/jigdo-mirror.conf" # Prevent run as root. if (( EUID == 0 )); then echo "Do not mirror as root." exit 1 fi # Load the required configuration file or quit. if [[ -f /etc/mirror-sync.conf ]]; then # shellcheck source=/dev/null source /etc/mirror-sync.conf else echo "No configuration file defined, please setup a proper configuration file." exit 1 fi # Print the help for this command. print_help() { echo "Mirror Sync" echo echo "Usage:" echo "$0 [--help|--update-support-utilities] {module} [--force]" echo echo "Available modules:" for MODULE in ${MODULES:?}; do echo "$MODULE" done exit } # Send email to admins about error. mail_error() { if [[ -z $MAILTO ]]; then echo "MAILTO is undefined." return fi { cat < jigdo.patch <<'EOF' --- src/util/sha256sum.hh 2019-11-19 10:43:22.000000000 -0500 +++ src-fix/util/sha256sum.hh 2023-04-19 16:33:40.840831304 -0400 @@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ #include #include #include +#include #include #include EOF patch -u src/util/sha256sum.hh -i jigdo.patch if ! ./configure --prefix="$HOME"; then echo "Unable to configure jigdo." exit 1 fi # Build fails first few times due to docs, but clears after a few builds. if ! make; then if ! make; then make fi fi make install ) fi } # Updates the mirror support utilties on server with upstream. update_support_utilities() { quick_fedora_mirror_install -u jigdo_install -u } # Acquire a sync lock for this command. acquire_lock() { MODULE=$1 # Pid file for this module sync. PIDFILE="${PIDPATH}/${MODULE}${PIDSUFFIX}" LOGFILE="${LOGPATH}/${MODULE}.log" ERRORFILE="${LOGPATH}/${MODULE}.error_count" if [[ -e $ERRORFILE ]]; then error_count=$(cat "$ERRORFILE") fi # Redirect stdout to both stdout and log file. exec 1> >(tee -a "$LOGFILE") # Redirect errors to stdout so they also are logged. exec 2>&1 # Check existing pid file. if [[ -f $PIDFILE ]]; then PID=$(cat "$PIDFILE") # Prevent double locks. if [[ $PID == "$BASHPID" ]]; then echo "Double lock detected." exit 1 fi # Check if PID is active. if ps -p "$PID" >/dev/null; then echo "A sync is already in progress for ${MODULE} with pid ${PID}." exit 1 fi fi # Create a new pid file for this process. echo $BASHPID >"$PIDFILE" # On exit, remove pid file. trap 'rm -f "$PIDFILE"' EXIT } log_start_header() { echo echo "==========================================" echo "Starting execution: $(date +"%Y-%m-%d %T")" echo "==========================================" echo } log_end_header() { echo echo "==========================================" echo "Execution complete: $(date +"%Y-%m-%d %T")" echo "==========================================" } # Sync git based mirrors. git_sync() { MODULE=$1 acquire_lock "$MODULE" # Read the configuration for this module. eval repo="\$${MODULE}_repo" eval timestamp="\$${MODULE}_timestamp" eval options="\$${MODULE}_options" # If configuration is not set, exit. if [[ ! $repo ]]; then echo "No configuration exists for ${MODULE}" exit 1 fi log_start_header ( # Do a git pull within the repo folder to sync. if ! cd "${repo:?}"; then echo "Failed to access '${repo:?}' git repository." exit 1 fi eval git pull "$options" RT=${PIPESTATUS[0]} if (( RT == 0 )); then date +%s > "${timestamp:?}" if [[ -e $ERRORFILE ]]; then rm -f "$ERRORFILE" fi else new_error_count=$((error_count+1)) if ((new_error_count>max_errors)); then mail_error "Unable to sync with git, check logs." rm -f "$ERRORFILE" fi echo "$new_error_count" > "$ERRORFILE" fi ) log_end_header } # Sync AWS S3 bucket based mirrors. aws_sync() { MODULE=$1 acquire_lock "$MODULE" # Read the configuration for this module. eval repo="\$${MODULE}_repo" eval timestamp="\$${MODULE}_timestamp" eval bucket="\$${MODULE}_aws_bucket" eval AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID="\$${MODULE}_aws_access_key" eval AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY="\$${MODULE}_aws_secret_key" eval AWS_ENDPOINT_URL="\$${MODULE}_aws_endpoint_url" eval options="\$${MODULE}_options" export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY # If configuration is not set, exit. if [[ ! $repo ]]; then echo "No configuration exists for ${MODULE}" exit 1 fi log_start_header if [[ -n $AWS_ENDPOINT_URL ]]; then options="$options --endpoint-url='$AWS_ENDPOINT_URL'" fi # Run AWS client to sync the S3 bucket. eval "$sync_timeout" aws s3 sync \ --no-follow-symlinks \ --delete \ "$options" \ "'${bucket:?}'" "'${repo:?}'" RT=${PIPESTATUS[0]} if (( RT == 0 )); then date +%s > "${timestamp:?}" if [[ -e $ERRORFILE ]]; then rm -f "$ERRORFILE" fi else error_count=$((error_count+1)) if ((error_count>max_errors)); then mail_error "Unable to sync with aws, check logs." rm -f "$ERRORFILE" fi echo "$error_count" > "$ERRORFILE" fi log_end_header } # Sync using FTP. ftp_sync() { MODULE=$1 acquire_lock "$MODULE" # Read the configuration for this module. eval repo="\$${MODULE}_repo" eval timestamp="\$${MODULE}_timestamp" eval source="\$${MODULE}_source" eval options="\$${MODULE}_options" # If configuration is not set, exit. if [[ ! $repo ]]; then echo "No configuration exists for ${MODULE}" exit 1 fi log_start_header # Run AWS client to sync the S3 bucket. $sync_timeout lftp <<< "mirror -v --delete --no-perms $options '${source:?}' '${repo:?}'" RT=${PIPESTATUS[0]} if (( RT == 0 )); then date +%s > "${timestamp:?}" if [[ -e $ERRORFILE ]]; then rm -f "$ERRORFILE" fi else error_count=$((error_count+1)) if ((error_count>max_errors)); then mail_error "Unable to sync with lftp, check logs." rm -f "$ERRORFILE" fi echo "$error_count" > "$ERRORFILE" fi log_end_header } # Sync using wget. wget_sync() { MODULE=$1 acquire_lock "$MODULE" # Read the configuration for this module. eval repo="\$${MODULE}_repo" eval timestamp="\$${MODULE}_timestamp" eval source="\$${MODULE}_source" eval options="\$${MODULE}_options" if [[ -z $options ]]; then options="--mirror --no-host-directories --no-parent" fi # If configuration is not set, exit. if [[ ! $repo ]]; then echo "No configuration exists for ${MODULE}" exit 1 fi log_start_header ( # Make sure the repo directory exists and we are in it. if ! [[ -e $repo ]]; then mkdir -p "$repo" fi if ! cd "$repo"; then echo "Unable to enter repo directory." fi # Run wget with configured options. eval "$sync_timeout" wget "$options" "'${source:?}'" RT=${PIPESTATUS[0]} if (( RT == 0 )); then date +%s > "${timestamp:?}" if [[ -e $ERRORFILE ]]; then rm -f "$ERRORFILE" fi else new_error_count=$((error_count+1)) if ((new_error_count>max_errors)); then mail_error "Unable to sync with lftp, check logs." rm -f "$ERRORFILE" fi echo "$new_error_count" > "$ERRORFILE" fi ) log_end_header } # Jigdo hook - builds iso images from jigdo files. jigdo_hook() { jigdo_install currentVersion=$(ls -l "${repo}/current") currentVersion="${currentVersion##* -> }" versionDir="$(realpath "$repo")/${currentVersion}" for a in "$versionDir"/*/; do arch=$(basename "$a") sets=$(cat "${repo}/project/build/${currentVersion}/${arch}") for s in $sets; do jigdoDir="${repo}/${currentVersion}/${arch}/jigdo-${s}" imageDir="${repo}/${currentVersion}/${arch}/iso-${s}" if [[ ! -d $imageDir ]]; then mkdir -p "$imageDir" fi # Sums are now SHA256SUMS and SHA512SUMS. cp -a "${jigdoDir}"/*SUMS* "${imageDir}/" cat >"${jigdoConf:?}.${arch}.${s}" </dev/null) [[ $value ]] || return 1 echo "$value" } # Build trace content. build_trace_content() { LC_ALL=POSIX LANG=POSIX date -u rfc822date=$(LC_ALL=POSIX LANG=POSIX date -u -R) echo "Date: ${rfc822date}" echo "Date-Started: ${DATE_STARTED}" if [[ -e $TRACEFILE_MASTER ]]; then echo "Archive serial: $(extract_trace_field 'Archive serial' "$TRACE_MASTER_FILE" || echo unknown )" fi echo "Used ${PROGRAM} version: ${VERSION}" echo "Creator: ${PROGRAM} ${VERSION}" echo "Running on host: ${TRACEHOST}" if [[ ${INFO_MAINTAINER:-} ]]; then echo "Maintainer: ${INFO_MAINTAINER}" fi if [[ ${INFO_SPONSOR:-} ]]; then echo "Sponsor: ${INFO_SPONSOR}" fi if [[ ${INFO_COUNTRY:-} ]]; then echo "Country: ${INFO_COUNTRY}" fi if [[ ${INFO_LOCATION:-} ]]; then echo "Location: ${INFO_LOCATION}" fi if [[ ${INFO_THROUGHPUT:-} ]]; then echo "Throughput: ${INFO_THROUGHPUT}" fi if [[ ${INFO_TRIGGER:-} ]]; then echo "Trigger: ${INFO_TRIGGER}" fi # Depending on repo type, find archetectures supported. ARCH_REGEX='(source|SRPMS|amd64|mips64el|mipsel|i386|x86_64|aarch64|ppc64le|ppc64el|s390x|armhf)' if [[ $repo_type == "deb" ]]; then ARCH=$(find "${repo}/dists" \( -name 'Packages.*' -o -name 'Sources.*' \) 2>/dev/null | sed -Ene 's#.*/binary-([^/]+)/Packages.*#\1#p; s#.*/(source)/Sources.*#\1#p' | sort -u | tr '\n' ' ') if [[ $ARCH ]]; then echo "Architectures: ${ARCH}" fi elif [[ $repo_type == "rpm" ]]; then ARCH=$(find "$repo" -name 'repomd.xml' 2>/dev/null | grep -Po "$ARCH_REGEX" | sort -u | tr '\n' ' ') if [[ $ARCH ]]; then echo "Architectures: ${ARCH}" fi elif [[ $repo_type == "iso" ]]; then ARCH=$(find "$repo" -name '*.iso' 2>/dev/null | grep -Po "$ARCH_REGEX" | sort -u | tr '\n' ' ') if [[ $ARCH ]]; then echo "Architectures: ${ARCH}" fi elif [[ $repo_type == "source" ]]; then echo "Architectures: source" fi echo "Architectures-Configuration: ${arch_configurations:-ALL}" echo "Upstream-mirror: ${RSYNC_HOST:-unknown}" # Total bytes synced per rsync stage. total=0 if [[ -f $LOGFILE_SYNC ]]; then all_bytes=$(sed -Ene 's/(^|.* )sent ([0-9]+) bytes received ([0-9]+) bytes.*/\3/p' "$LOGFILE_SYNC") for bytes in $all_bytes; do total=$(( total + bytes )) done elif [[ -f $LOGFILE_STAGE1 ]]; then bytes=$(sed -Ene 's/(^|.* )sent ([0-9]+) bytes received ([0-9]+) bytes.*/\3/p' "$LOGFILE_STAGE1") total=$(( total + bytes )) fi if [[ -f $LOGFILE_STAGE2 ]]; then bytes=$(sed -Ene 's/(^|.* )sent ([0-9]+) bytes received ([0-9]+) bytes.*/\3/p' "$LOGFILE_STAGE2") total=$(( total + bytes )) fi if (( total > 0 )); then echo "Total bytes received in rsync: ${total}" fi # Calculate time per rsync stage and print both stages if both were started. if [[ $sync_started ]]; then STATS_TOTAL_RSYNC_TIME1=$(( sync_ended - sync_started )) total_time=$STATS_TOTAL_RSYNC_TIME1 elif [[ $stage1_started ]]; then STATS_TOTAL_RSYNC_TIME1=$(( stage1_ended - stage1_started )) total_time=$STATS_TOTAL_RSYNC_TIME1 fi if [[ $stage2_started ]]; then STATS_TOTAL_RSYNC_TIME2=$(( stage2_ended - stage2_started )) total_time=$(( total_time + STATS_TOTAL_RSYNC_TIME2 )) echo "Total time spent in stage1 rsync: ${STATS_TOTAL_RSYNC_TIME1}" echo "Total time spent in stage2 rsync: ${STATS_TOTAL_RSYNC_TIME2}" fi echo "Total time spent in rsync: ${total_time}" if (( total_time != 0 )); then rate=$(( total / total_time )) echo "Average rate: ${rate} B/s" fi } # Save trace file. save_trace_file() { # Trace file/dir paths. TRACE_DIR="${repo}/project/trace" mkdir -p "$TRACE_DIR" TRACE_FILE="${TRACE_DIR}/${mirror_hostname:?}" TRACE_MASTER_FILE="${TRACE_DIR}/master" TRACE_HIERARCHY="${TRACE_DIR}/_hierarchy" # Parse the rsync host from the source. RSYNC_HOST=${source/rsync:\/\//} RSYNC_HOST=${RSYNC_HOST%%:*} RSYNC_HOST=${RSYNC_HOST%%/*} # Build trace and save to file. build_trace_content > "${TRACE_FILE}.new" mv "${TRACE_FILE}.new" "$TRACE_FILE" # Build heirarchy file. { if [[ -e "${TRACE_HIERARCHY}.mirror" ]]; then cat "${TRACE_HIERARCHY}.mirror" fi echo "$(basename "$TRACE_FILE") $mirror_hostname $TRACEHOST ${RSYNC_HOST:-unknown}" } > "${TRACE_HIERARCHY}.new" mv "${TRACE_HIERARCHY}.new" "$TRACE_HIERARCHY" cp "$TRACE_HIERARCHY" "${TRACE_HIERARCHY}.mirror" # Output all traces to _traces file. Disabling shell check because the glob in this case is used right. # shellcheck disable=SC2035 (cd "$TRACE_DIR" && find * -type f \! -name "_*") > "$TRACE_DIR/_traces" } # Modules based on rsync. rsync_sync() { MODULE=$1 shift # Check for any arguments. force=0 while (( $# > 0 )); do case $1 in # Force rsync, ignore upstream check. -f|--force) force=1 shift ;; *) echo "Unknown option $1" echo print_help "$@" ;; esac done acquire_lock "$MODULE" # Read the configuration for this module. eval repo="\$${MODULE}_repo" eval pre_hook="\$${MODULE}_pre_hook" eval timestamp="\$${MODULE}_timestamp" eval source="\$${MODULE}_source" eval options="\$${MODULE}_options" eval options_stage2="\$${MODULE}_options_stage2" eval pre_stage2_hook="\$${MODULE}_pre_stage2_hook" eval upstream_check="\$${MODULE}_upstream_check" eval report_mirror="\$${MODULE}_report_mirror" eval RSYNC_PASSWORD="\$${MODULE}_rsync_password" if [[ $RSYNC_PASSWORD ]]; then export RSYNC_PASSWORD fi eval post_hook="\$${MODULE}_post_hook" eval jigdo_pkg_repo="\$${MODULE}_jigdo_pkg_repo" eval arch_configurations="\$${MODULE}_arch_configurations" eval repo_type="\$${MODULE}_type" # If configuration is not set, exit. if [[ ! $repo ]]; then echo "No configuration exists for ${MODULE}" exit 1 fi log_start_header # Check if upstream was updated recently if configured. # This is designed to slow down rsync so we only rsync # when we detect its needed or when last rsync was a long time ago. if [[ $upstream_check ]] && (( force == 0 )); then now=$(date +%s) last_timestamp=$(cat "${timestamp:?}") # If last update was not that long ago, we should check if upstream was updated recently. if [[ $((now-last_timestamp)) -lt ${upstream_timestamp_min:?} ]]; then echo "Checking upstream's last modified." # Get the last modified date. IFS=': ' read -r _ last_modified < <(curl -sI HEAD "${upstream_check:?}" | grep Last-Modified) last_modified_unix=$(date -u +%s -d "$last_modified") # If last modified is greater than our max age, it wasn't modified recently and we should not rsync. if (( now-last_modified_unix > ${upstream_max_age:-0} )); then echo "Skipping sync as upstream wasn't updated recently." exit 88 fi fi fi # Run any hooks. if [[ $pre_hook ]]; then echo "Executing pre-hook:" eval "$pre_hook" fi # Add arguments from configurations. extra_args="${options:-}" # If 2 stage, we do not want to delete in stage 1. if [[ ! $options_stage2 ]]; then extra_args+=" --delete --delete-after" echo "Running rsync:" else echo "Running rsync stage 1:" fi # Create archive update file. mirror_update_file="${repo:?}/Archive-Update-in-Progress-${mirror_hostname:?}" touch "$mirror_update_file" LOGFILE_STAGE1="${LOGFILE}.stage1" echo -n > "$LOGFILE_STAGE1" LOGFILE_STAGE2="${LOGFILE}.stage2" echo -n > "$LOGFILE_STAGE2" # Run the rsync. Using eval here so extra_args expands and is used as arguments. stage1_started=$(date +%s) eval "$sync_timeout" rsync -avH \ --human-readable \ --progress \ --safe-links \ --delay-updates \ --stats \ --no-human-readable \ --itemize-changes \ --timeout=10800 \ "$extra_args" \ --exclude "Archive-Update-in-Progress-${mirror_hostname:?}" \ --exclude "project/trace/${mirror_hostname:?}" \ "'${source:?}'" "'${repo:?}'" | tee -a "$LOGFILE_STAGE1" RT=${PIPESTATUS[0]} stage1_ended=$(date +%s) # Check if run was successful. if [[ $(grep -c '^total size is' "$LOGFILE_STAGE1") -ne 1 ]]; then echo "Rsync failed." error_count=$((error_count+1)) if ((error_count>max_errors)); then mail_error "Unable to sync with rsync, check logs." rm -f "$ERRORFILE" fi echo "$error_count" > "$ERRORFILE" exit 1 fi # If 2 stage, perform second stage. if [[ $options_stage2 ]]; then # Check if upstream is currently updating. for aupfile in "${repo:?}/Archive-Update-in-Progress-"*; do case "$aupfile" in "$mirror_update_file") : ;; *) if [[ -f $aupfile ]]; then # Remove the file, it will be synced again if # upstream is still not done rm -f "$aupfile" else echo "AUIP file '${aupfile}' is not really a file, weird" fi echo "Upstream is currently updating their repo, skipping second stage for now." rm -f "$mirror_update_file" exit 0 ;; esac done # Run any hooks. if [[ $pre_stage2_hook ]]; then echo "Executing pre-stage2 hook:" eval "$pre_stage2_hook" fi # Add stage 2 options from configurations. extra_args="${options_stage2:-}" echo echo "Running rsync stage 2:" # Run the rsync. Using eval here so extra_args expands and is used as arguments. stage2_started=$(date +%s) eval "$sync_timeout" rsync -avH \ --human-readable \ --progress \ --safe-links \ --delete \ --delete-after \ --delay-updates \ --stats \ --no-human-readable \ --itemize-changes \ --timeout=10800 \ "$extra_args" \ --exclude "Archive-Update-in-Progress-${mirror_hostname:?}" \ --exclude "project/trace/${mirror_hostname:?}" \ "'${source:?}'" "'${repo:?}'" | tee -a "$LOGFILE_STAGE2" RT=${PIPESTATUS[0]} stage2_ended=$(date +%s) # Check if run was successful. if [[ $(grep -c '^total size is' "$LOGFILE_STAGE2") -ne 1 ]]; then echo "Rsync stage 2 failed." error_count=$((error_count+1)) if ((error_count>max_errors)); then mail_error "Unable to sync with rsync stage 2, check logs." rm -f "$ERRORFILE" fi echo "$error_count" > "$ERRORFILE" exit 1 fi fi # At this point we are successful, update timestamp of last sync. date +%s > "${timestamp:?}" if [[ -e $ERRORFILE ]]; then rm -f "$ERRORFILE" fi # Run any hooks. if [[ $post_hook ]]; then echo "Executing post hook:" eval "$post_hook" fi # Save trace information. if [[ $repo_type ]]; then save_trace_file fi rm -f "$LOGFILE_STAGE1" rm -f "$LOGFILE_STAGE2" # Remove archive update file. rm -f "$mirror_update_file" # If report mirror configuration file provided, run report mirror. if [[ $report_mirror ]]; then echo echo "Reporting mirror update:" /bin/report_mirror -c "${report_mirror:?}" fi log_end_header } # Modules based on quick-fedora-mirror. quick_fedora_mirror_sync() { MODULE=$1 acquire_lock "$MODULE" # We need a mapping so we can know the final directory name. MODULEMAPPING=( fedora-alt alt fedora-archive archive fedora-enchilada fedora fedora-epel epel fedora-secondary fedora-secondary ) # Helper function to map to dir name. module_dir() { for ((M=0; M<${#MODULEMAPPING[@]}; M++)); do N=$((M+1)) if [[ "${MODULEMAPPING[$M]}" == "$1" ]]; then echo "${MODULEMAPPING[$N]}" break fi M=$N done } # Read the configuration for this module. eval repo="\$${MODULE}_repo" eval pre_hook="\$${MODULE}_pre_hook" eval timestamp="\$${MODULE}_timestamp" eval source="\$${MODULE}_source" eval master_module="\$${MODULE}_master_module" eval module_mapping="\$${MODULE}_module_mapping" eval mirror_manager_mapping="\$${MODULE}_mirror_manager_mapping" eval modules="\$${MODULE}_modules" eval options="\$${MODULE}_options" eval filterexp="\$${MODULE}_filterexp" eval rsync_options="\$${MODULE}_rsync_options" eval report_mirror="\$${MODULE}_report_mirror" eval RSYNC_PASSWORD="\$${MODULE}_rsync_password" if [[ $RSYNC_PASSWORD ]]; then export RSYNC_PASSWORD fi eval post_hook="\$${MODULE}_post_hook" eval arch_configurations="\$${MODULE}_arch_configurations" eval repo_type="\$${MODULE}_type" # If configuration is not set, exit. if [[ ! $repo ]]; then echo "No configuration exists for ${MODULE}" exit 1 fi log_start_header # Install QFM if not already installed. quick_fedora_mirror_install # Build configuration file for QFM. conf_path="${QFM_PATH}/${MODULE}_qfm.conf" cat < "$conf_path" DESTD="$repo" TIMEFILE="${LOGPATH}/${MODULE}_timefile.txt" REMOTE="$source" MODULES=(${modules:?}) FILTEREXP='${filterexp:-}' VERBOSE=7 LOGITEMS=aeEl RSYNCOPTS=(-aSH -f 'R .~tmp~' --stats --no-human-readable --preallocate --delay-updates ${rsync_options:-} --out-format='@ %i %n%L') EOF if [[ $master_module ]]; then echo "MASTERMODULE='$master_module'" >> "$conf_path" fi if [[ $module_mapping ]]; then echo "MODULEMAPPING=($module_mapping)" >> "$conf_path" IFS=" " read -ra MODULEMAPPING < <(echo "$module_mapping") fi if [[ $mirror_manager_mapping ]]; then echo "MIRRORMANAGERMAPPING=($mirror_manager_mapping)" >> "$conf_path" fi # Run any hooks. if [[ $pre_hook ]]; then echo "Executing pre-hook:" eval "$pre_hook" fi # Create archive update file. docroot=$repo for module in $modules; do touch "$docroot$(module_dir "$module")/Archive-Update-in-Progress-${mirror_hostname:?}" done LOGFILE_SYNC="${LOGFILE}.sync" echo -n > "$LOGFILE_SYNC" # Add arguments from configurations. extra_args="${options:-}" # Run the rsync. Using eval here so extra_args expands and is used as arguments. sync_started=$(date +%s) eval "$sync_timeout" "$QFM_BIN" \ -c "'$conf_path'" \ "$extra_args" | tee -a "$LOGFILE_SYNC" RT=${PIPESTATUS[0]} sync_ended=$(date +%s) # Check if run was successful. if [[ $(grep -c '^total size is' "$LOGFILE_SYNC") -lt 1 ]]; then echo "Rsync failed." error_count=$((error_count+1)) if ((error_count>max_errors)); then mail_error "Unable to sync with rsync, check logs." rm -f "$ERRORFILE" fi echo "$error_count" > "$ERRORFILE" exit 1 fi # At this point we are successful, update timestamp of last sync. date +%s > "${timestamp:?}" if [[ -e $ERRORFILE ]]; then rm -f "$ERRORFILE" fi # Run any hooks. if [[ $post_hook ]]; then echo "Executing post hook:" eval "$post_hook" fi # Save trace information. if [[ $repo_type ]]; then for module in $modules; do repo="$docroot$(module_dir "$module")" save_trace_file done fi rm -f "$LOGFILE_SYNC" # Remove archive update file. for module in $modules; do rm -f "$docroot$(module_dir "$module")/Archive-Update-in-Progress-${mirror_hostname:?}" done # If report mirror configuration file provided, run report mirror. if [[ $report_mirror ]]; then echo echo "Reporting mirror update:" /bin/report_mirror -c "${report_mirror:?}" fi log_end_header } # If no arugments are provided, we can print help. if (( $# < 1 )); then print_help "$@" fi # Parse arguments. while (( $# > 0 )); do case "$1" in # Installs utilities used by this script which are not available in the standard repositories. -u|--update-support-utilities) update_support_utilities exit 0 ;; # If help is requested, print it. -h|h|help|--help) print_help "$@" ;; # Default to rsync if module has no special options, otherwise if no module is found give help. *) for MODULE in ${MODULES:?}; do if [[ "$1" == "$MODULE" ]]; then eval sync_method="\${${MODULE}_sync_method:-rsync}" if [[ "${sync_method:?}" == "git" ]]; then git_sync "$@" elif [[ "${sync_method:?}" == "aws" ]]; then aws_sync "$@" elif [[ "${sync_method:?}" == "ftp" ]]; then ftp_sync "$@" elif [[ "${sync_method:?}" == "wget" ]]; then wget_sync "$@" elif [[ "${sync_method:?}" == "qfm" ]]; then quick_fedora_mirror_sync "$@" else rsync_sync "$@" fi exit 0 fi done # No module was found, so give help. echo "Unknown module '$1'" echo print_help "$@" ;; esac done