# mirror-sync A tool to mirror repostories for Linux and other similar tools. This tool is designed to help follow upstream mirror instructions, and implement the features they expect from a downstream official mirror. It also includes features to help keep you in the loop in case of situations that need manual intervention. ## Configuration It is suggested that you mirror using a sub user account, this tool prevents execution as root to protect you. Once you have an user account dedicated to mirror activities, you can make the log directory, configure logrotate, and add a configuration file to define configurations. ### Making log directory ```bash mkdir -p /var/log/mirror-sync/ chown mirror: /var/log/mirror-sync/ ``` ### Configuration for logrotate ``` /var/log/mirror-sync/*.log { rotate 7 create 644 mirror mirror daily missingok notifempty sharedscripts copytruncate compress } ``` ### Configuring mirror-sync The configuration file is in `/etc/mirror-sync.conf` and is formatted in bash. ## Main configurations ### MODULES The available modules separated by space. Each module is a separate repostory to sync, and this list allows the script to know how to find their configs. ### TRACEHOST The hostname to show in trace project files, it defaults to the FQDN hostname of the server. ### mirror_hostname The hostname of this mirror server, it defaults to the FQDN hostname of the server. If you have a public domain for your mirror, you may wish to adjust this configurtion to that. ### PIDPATH If you wish to override where pid files are stored to prevent duplicate module syncs, the default is `/tmp` and the directory must have write access for the mirror user. ### LOGPATH If you wish to override where logs are stored, the default is `/var/log/mirror-sync` and the directory must have write access for the mirror user. ### sync_timeout Timeout before a sync is cancelled, defaults to `timeout 1d` which should work for most mirrors. ### max_errors How many errors before an email is sent regarding the issue. This allows you to ignore anomolies. ### upstream_max_age If the upstream last modified date is older than the defined number of seconds, the upstream check will skip syncing. Default is 5 hours. ### upstream_timestamp_min If an upstream check is configured, this defines the minimum age in seconds of the last successful sync before the next sync will skip the upstream check. Default is 24 hours. ### QFM_PATH Path to where quick-fedora-mirror is located and configurations are saved. If you already have QFM installed, but want configurations stored separately. You can use the `QFM_BIN` configuration to set the QFM binary path. ### QFM_BIN The binary path for quick-fedora-mirror. If you override `QFM_PATH`, you will likely also have to override this path. Default: ```bash QFM_BIN="$QFM_PATH/quick-fedora-mirror" ``` ### JIGDO_FILE_BIN If you installed jigdo outside of the home directory, you need to manually configure the `jigdo-file` binary path here. ### JIGDO_MIRROR_BIN If you installed jigdo outside of the home directory, you need to manually configure the `jigdo-mirror` binary path here. ### jigdoConf If you use jigdo to build ISO images, this is the base configuration file name. The jigdo hook saves configurations in `${jigdoConf:?}.${arch}.${s}` format. ### MAILTO The email address of which to mail errors to. ### INFO_MAINTAINER The maintainer of this repository, should be defined in `name ` format. ### INFO_SPONSOR If this repo is sponsored, you may define the sponsors here. ### INFO_COUNTRY The country of which this server resides. ### INFO_LOCATION The region of which this server resides (state/providence). ### INFO_THROUGHPUT How fast are the pipes to your repository. ### INFO_TRIGGER How did the sync occur, cron job or manually via ssh? This is auto detected and you do not need to define this configuration. ### dusum_human_readable_total_file Path to save a grand total of each disk usage sum in human readable form. ### dusum_kbytes_total_file Path to save a grand total of each disk usage sum in killo bytes. ## Module specific configurations Each module is configured via configurations prefixed by the module name. The one configuration used by all modules is the `_sync_method` configuration which defines what sync method to use. Each sync method has different configurations available. The default sync method is rsync. Each repo has at bare minimum the following configurations: - sync_method - rsync, git, aws, s3cmd, ftp, wget, or qfm. - repo - The destination directory of the repository. - timestamp - Path to a file to store the last successful sync unix time stamp. Can be used by a monitoring system to confirm each repo is syncing successfully. - dusum - Path to a file to store disk usage summary results of the repository directory. ### git Synchronizes a git repository via git pull. To use this method, you need to have the git package installed. #### options Extra options appended to `get pull`. #### Example ```bash example_sync_method="git" example_repo="/home/mirror/http/example" example_timestamp="/home/mirror/timestamp/example" ``` ### aws Synchronize with an s3 bucket using aws cli. To use this, you need the aws cli package installed. #### aws_bucket The bucket URL to sync with. #### aws_access_key The access key for the s3 bucket. ### aws_secret_key The secret for the s3 bucket. #### aws_endpoint_url If you are using a third party S3 compatible service, you can enter their endpoint URL here. #### options Extra options to append to `aws s3 sync`. #### Example ```bash example_sync_method="aws" example_repo="/home/mirror/http/example" example_timestamp="/home/mirror/timestamp/example" example_aws_bucket="s3://bucket/directory" example_aws_access_key="RANDOM_KEY_FROM_PROVIDER" example_aws_secret_key="RANDOM_SECRET_FROM_PROVIDER" ``` ### s3cmd Synchronize with an s3 bucket using s3cmd. To use this, you need the s3cmd package installed. #### aws_bucket The bucket URL to sync with. #### aws_access_key The access key for the s3 bucket. ### aws_secret_key The secret for the s3 bucket. #### aws_endpoint_url If you are using a third party S3 compatible service, you can enter their endpoint URL here in format of HOSTNAME:PORT. #### options Extra options to append to `s5cmd`. #### Example ```bash example_sync_method="s3cmd" example_repo="/home/mirror/http/example" example_timestamp="/home/mirror/timestamp/example" example_aws_bucket="s3://bucket/directory" example_aws_access_key="RANDOM_KEY_FROM_PROVIDER" example_aws_secret_key="RANDOM_SECRET_FROM_PROVIDER" ``` Example of using third party bucket: ```bash example_sync_method="s3cmd" example_repo="/home/mirror/http/example" example_timestamp="/home/mirror/timestamp/example" example_aws_bucket="s3://bucket/directory" example_aws_access_key="RANDOM_KEY_FROM_PROVIDER" example_aws_secret_key="RANDOM_SECRET_FROM_PROVIDER" example_options="--host='objects.example.com' --host-bucket='%(bucket).objects.example.com'" ``` ### s5cmd Synchronize with an s3 bucket using s5cmd. The s5cmd will auto install if not existing. #### aws_bucket The bucket URL to sync with. You must end the bucket url with `*` for s5cmd to work. #### aws_access_key The access key for the s3 bucket. ### aws_secret_key The secret for the s3 bucket. #### aws_endpoint_url If you are using a third party S3 compatible service, you can enter their endpoint URL here. #### options Extra options to append to `s5cmd`. #### sync_options Extra options to append to the `sync` command of s5cmd. #### Example ```bash example_sync_method="s5cmd" example_repo="/home/mirror/http/example" example_timestamp="/home/mirror/timestamp/example" example_aws_bucket="s3://bucket/directory/*" example_aws_access_key="RANDOM_KEY_FROM_PROVIDER" example_aws_secret_key="RANDOM_SECRET_FROM_PROVIDER" ``` ### ftp Synchronize both http and ftp sources to a repo. This sync method requires the lftp package to be installed. #### source The source url to mirror from. #### options Extra options to append to the mirror command of lftp. #### Example ```bash example_sync_method="ftp" example_repo="/home/mirror/http/example/" example_timestamp="/home/mirror/timestamp/example" example_source="https://repos.example.com/rhel/7/x86_64/stable" ``` ### wget Synchronizes using wget to a repository. To use this, you need the wget package installed. #### source The source url to mirror from. #### options The options passed to wget. Defaults to `--mirror --no-host-directories --no-parent`. #### Example ```bash example_sync_method="wget" example_repo="/home/mirror/http/example/" example_timestamp="/home/mirror/timestamp/example" example_source="https://repos.example.com/rhel/7/x86_64/stable" example_options="--mirror --no-host-directories --no-parent --cut-dirs=4" ``` ### rsync By far, the most common mirror method is to use rsync. It, while not perfect, is more efficent than using wget or ftp mirroring. You will need the rsync package installed for this to function. There is an extra CLI argument available for this sync method, `--force` which allows you to by-pass upstream checks and synchronize immediately. #### pre_hook A hook to run prior to the first stage sync. #### source The rsync server or ssh server URL. #### options Synchronization options for the first rsync stage. #### options_stage2 If your repo needs a 2 stage rsync, define some options here. The most basic option you can use, if you want to force stage 2 to occur, would be `--exclude '.~tmp~'`. #### pre_stage2_hook A hook to run prior to the second stage sync. #### upstream_check An http URL to check the last modified date as a reference for if the upstream mirror was possibly modified recently. This option is mainly here to lower the impact on upstream mirrors so that mirrorning happens less often. See `upstream_timestamp_min` and `upstream_max_age` for global configuration options of this check. ### time_file_check Name of a time file to check if the upstream has updated before syncing all files to reduce load on upstream mirrors. #### report_mirror If you have Fedora report mirror installed, and need to report back to Fedora about the status of your repository, you can provide this option a configuration path for the `report_mirror` utility to run the report after a successful sync. #### rsync_password If you have an rsync password and need to authenticate with an rsync server, this is where you define the password. #### post_hook Any hooks to call after a successful sync, define here. If you are using jigdo, the hook is `jigdo_hook`. #### jigdo_pkg_repo If you are using jigdo to build ISO images, you need to define the path to the repo of packages. #### arch_configurations Information for trace files on what architectures are synchronized to this mirror. #### type For the trace file saving, this defines what type of repo is being synced. Options are deb, rpm, iso, or source. #### Example Example for RPM based mirror: ```bash example_repo="/home/mirror/http/example/" example_timestamp="/home/mirror/timestamp/example" example_source="rsync://rsync.example.org/module/" example_options="--exclude '.~tmp~' --exclude 'repodata/*'" example_options_stage2="--exclude '.~tmp~'" example_type="rpm" ``` Example for DEB based mirror: ```bash example_repo="/home/mirror/http/example/" example_timestamp="/home/mirror/timestamp/example" example_source="rsync://rsync.example.org/module/" example_options="--exclude '.~tmp~' --include=*.diff/ --exclude=*.diff/Index --exclude=Packages* --exclude=Sources* --exclude=Release* --exclude=InRelease --include=i18n/by-hash --exclude=i18n/* --exclude=ls-lR*" example_options_stage2="--exclude '.~tmp~'" example_type="deb" ``` Example with jigdo: ```bash example_repo="/home/mirror/http/example/" example_timestamp="/home/mirror/timestamp/example" example_source="rsync://rsync.example.org/module/" example_options="--exclude '.~tmp~' --exclude '*.iso'" example_pre_stage2_hook="jigdo_hook" example_jigdo_pkg_repo="/home/mirror/http/debian/" example_options_stage2="--exclude '.~tmp~'" example_type="iso" ``` ### qfm Quick Fedora Mirror is a tool to help Fedora mirrors distribute changes faster and save on resources when trying to discover what needs to be synced. To use this method, you must have both the rsync and zsh package installed. This tool automatically downloads QFM if you do not already have it installed. This tool requires that the upstream mirror has an module with sub modules designed for use with quick-fedora-mirror. You can use this tool with non-fedora mirrors, however they must follow the fedora module configurations. For fedora mirrors, you can utilize [tier 1 mirrors](https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Infrastructure/Mirroring/Tiering#Tier_1_mirrors). You can list modules available on an rsync server with: ```bash rsync --list-only rsync://SERVER ``` And to check a module out, you can list the files with: ```bash rsync --list-only rsync://SERVER/MODULE ``` #### repo For the repo config, QFM requires the directory to be `$DOCROOT` which it'll then copy modules into. This is different from all other sync methods. #### pre_hook A hook to run prior to running QFM. #### source The source rsync server, without any modules appended. #### master_module The main rsync module under which the fedora sub module directories exist. Defaults to `fedora-buffet`. #### module_mapping If you are using this with a non-fedora mirror, you can define your own custom sub module mapping. #### mirror_manager_mapping The names for custom module mapping. #### modules The sub modules to sync. It is recommended that you only do one sub module, the modules available by default are fedora-alt, fedora-archive, fedora-enchilada, fedora-epel, and fedora-secondary. #### options Extra options to pass to quick-fedora-mirror. #### filterexp If you wish to filter out particular directories/files, define regular expression here. #### rsync_options Extra options to pass to rsync during sync. #### report_mirror If you have Fedora report mirror installed, and need to report back to Fedora about the status of your repository, you can provide this option a configuration path for the `report_mirror` utility to run the report after a successful sync. #### rsync_password If you have an rsync password and need to authenticate with an rsync server, this is where you define the password. #### post_hook Any hooks to call after a successful sync, define here. #### arch_configurations Information for trace files on what architectures are synchronized to this mirror. #### type For the trace file saving, this defines what type of repo is being synced. Options are deb, rpm, iso, or source. #### Example ```bash example_sync_method=qfm example_repo='/home/mirror/http/' example_timestamp='/home/mirror/timestamp/example' example_source='rsync://mirrors.example.com' example_modules=fedora-enchilada example_report_mirror='/home/mirror/report_mirror.conf' example_type=rpm ``` ## CLI Options There are not that many cli options available, usage is as follows: ``` [--help|--update-support-utilities] {module} [--force] ``` ## Requirements list - bash - zsh - sendmail - git - awscli - s3cmd - lftp - wget - curl - rsync - jigdo - this tool auto installs. - quick-fedora-mirror - this tool auto installs. ### Install on RPM based servers ```bash yum install bash zsh sendmail git awscli s3cmd lftp wget curl rsync ``` ### Install on DEB based servers ```bash apt install bash zsh sendmail git awscli s3cmd lftp wget curl rsync ``` ### Install on Arch ```bash yay -S bash zsh sendmail git aws-cli-git s3cmd lftp wget curl rsync ``` # mirror-file-generator A tool to generate common mirror info files at the mirror document root. ## Configuration of modules This tool utilizes the same config file as mirror-sync, and shares the following configurations. * repo - Used to verify a module is the same repo under the mirror. * sync_method - Used to determine if qfm mirror. * timestamp - Used for sync time. * dusum - Used for disk usage summary. The tool also adds the following repo ### section What section to associate the repo with. ### repo_title A title for the repo to show instead of the directory name. ### repo_icon The repo icon, will default to tux if not defined. The icon can be defined as an http(s) link, file path, a file stored in the template directory, or png image name from [Dashboard Icons](https://github.com/walkxcode/dashboard-icons/tree/main/png). The script will automatically make a copy or download the icon to the image folder. ### repo_descriotion A description to show at the bottom of the repo card. ### repo_skip This repo should not be put in generated files. ### disable_size_calc Should be set to a 1 if you do not want a size to be calculated. ### timestamp_file_stat If you do not have a timestamp file with the UNIX timestamp of the last sync, but there is a file or folder that is updated when changes are made. You can specify the path to that file or folder here and the script will stat it to determine the last sync time. ## Configuration of custom modules If you have a repo that is not synced via the mirror-sync, but want to customize its look on the generated index.html. You can define a list of custom modules with the `CUSTOM_MODULES` variable, then define any of the following configurations. * repo * section * repo_title * repo_icon * repo_description * repo_skip * disable_size_calc * timestamp_file_stat All of the above configurations behave the same way a regular module behaves. ### Example ```bash CUSTOM_MODULES="example example2" example_repo='/home/mirror/http/' example_section="official" example_repo_title="Test repo" example_repo_icon="terminal.png" example_repo_descriont="Test, this is a test." example2_repo='/home/mirror/windows/' example2_repo_icon="windows.png" ``` ## Mirrors You can define multiple mirrors for this tool to generate files for. Each mirror can have their own templates and repos, and are configured similar to how modules are configured. As such, it is worth maybe pre-pending `mirror_` to your mirror name. ### path The path to the mirror under which repos are stored. ### title A title for the mirror, defaults to the name if unset. ### logo The logo, will default to tux if not defined. The logo can be defined as an http(s) link, file path, a file stored in the template directory, or png image name from [Dashboard Icons](https://github.com/walkxcode/dashboard-icons/tree/main/png). The script will automatically make a copy or download the icon to the image folder. ### description A description to place below the logo that can be HTML formatted. ### provider_site A site for the global footer generation. ### provider_name A name for the global footer generation. ### Example ```bash MIRRORS="mirror_example" mirror_example_path="/home/mirror/mirror_docroot" mirror_example_name="My company" mirror_example_logo="http://example.com/logo.png" mirror_example_description="A public mirror provided by this cool company." mirror_example_provider_site="http://www.example.com/" mirror_example_provider_name="Company" ``` ## Sections You can define multiple sections for the index.html with `SECTIONS` variable, it defaults to `official unofficial`. You can then set a default section with `section_default`, which defaults to `unofficial`. A title is auto generated as `{SECTION} Mirrors`, which you can customize with a variable named `section_{SECTION}_title`. ## Templates Where templates are stored is configured by `template_dir` which defaults to `/usr/local/share/file-generator-templates`. Default files should be stored under the `default` sub directory, and any customizations to individual mirrors should be saved under a sub directory with that mirror's name. You can add icons/logos into these template directories as well. Default templates: * header.html - The main index header. * secion.thml - Template for a secion. * repo.html - The repo card template. * footer.html - The footer of the index. * footer.txt - Template for the global footer file. ## Configurations of general defaults. ### index_generate Rather or not to generate the index.html file. * 1 Enabled * 0 Disbaled ### index_file_name If your index file name is different, you can adjust here. ### footer_generate Rather or not to generate a footer file that can be configured as the mirror's global footer. * 1 Enabled * 0 Disbaled ### footer_file_name Alternative file name for the footer file. ### dir_sizes_generate Rather or not to generate directory sizes file. * 1 Enabled * 0 Disbaled ### dir_sizes_file_name Alternative file name for directory sizes file. ### dir_sizes_unknown_path Path to store directory size summaries for unknown repos. ### dir_sizes_human_readable Should make human readable or output in kbytes. * 1 Human readable * 0 Kbytes ### icons_dir_name Where to store logos and icons. ### icons_default_source The default URL to pull icons from, defaults to [Dashboard Icons](https://github.com/walkxcode/dashboard-icons/tree/main/png). ### icons_default_img A default file to use if icon or logo defined either isn't defined or isn't accessible.