#!/bin/bash # This script is designed to generate some files at the top level of every mirror. # # The files generated are: # index.html # footer.txt # DIRECTORY_SIZES.TXT # PATH="/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:$HOME/.local/bin:$HOME/bin" # Variables about this program. PROGRAM="mirror-file-generator" VERSION="20240219" PIDFILE="/tmp/$PROGRAM.pid" LOGFILE="/var/log/mirror-sync/$PROGRAM.log" # Default variables SECTIONS="official unofficial" section_default="unofficial" template_dir="/usr/local/share/mirror-file-generator/templates" index_generate=1 index_file_name="index.html" footer_generate=1 footer_file_name="footer.txt" dir_sizes_generate=1 dir_sizes_file_name="DIRECTORY_SIZES.TXT" dir_sizes_unknown_path="/home/mirror/dusum/unknown_dirs" dir_sizes_human_readable=1 icons_dir_name="img" icons_default_source="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/walkxcode/dashboard-icons/main/png" icons_default_img="tux.png" # Prevent run as root. if (( EUID == 0 )); then echo "Do not mirror as root." exit 1 fi # Load the required configuration file or quit. if [[ -f /etc/mirror-sync.conf ]]; then # shellcheck source=/dev/null source /etc/mirror-sync.conf else echo "No configuration file defined, please setup a proper configuration file." exit 1 fi # Print the help for this command. print_help() { echo "Mirror File Generator (${VERSION})" echo echo "Usage:" echo "$0 [--help|--version|--update-unknown-dir-size] [{mirror}]" echo echo "Available mirrors:" for MIRROR in ${MIRRORS:?}; do echo "$MIRROR" done echo echo "Note: Defaults to generating files for all mirrors." exit } # Output message in log format and to logger. log() { msg="$1" echo "$(date --rfc-3339=seconds) $(hostname -s) ${PROGRAM}[$$]: $msg" } # Escape characters that are not HTML safe to ensure accidental # code injection does not occur. html_encode() { local s s=${1//&/\&} s=${s///\>} s=${s//'"'/\"} printf -- %s "$s" } # Find the template file path. template_file() { local file=$1 # If the mirror has an override, provide it. Otherwise, provide default path. if [[ -e "$template_dir/$mirror/$file" ]]; then echo "$template_dir/$mirror/$file" else echo "$template_dir/default/$file" fi } # Copy an image and return the path to the copied image. image_copy() { # Get the requested file. local file=$1 if [[ -z $file ]]; then return fi # Get the file name in which to save the file as. # Would typically be logo or the directory name of the repo. local file_name=$2 if [[ -z $file_name ]]; then return fi ## Extract the extension to make a proper save path with the file name and extension. local extension="${file##*.}" extension="${extension%\?*}" local save_path="$path/$icons_dir_name/$file_name.$extension" local http_code # If the file isn't already saved, attempt to grab it. if [[ ! -e "$save_path" ]]; then # If http, use curl to grab the image. if [[ "$file" =~ ^http(s|)\:\/\/ ]]; then # If failure, and is not the default image, attempt to grab the default file. if ! http_code=$(curl -s --write-out "%{http_code}" -o "$save_path" "$file") \ || ( ((http_code!=200)) && [[ "$file" != "$icons_default_img" ]] \ && [[ "$file" != "$icons_default_source/$icons_default_img" ]] ); then image_copy "$icons_default_img" "$file_name" return fi # If the file exists, copy it. elif [[ -f $file ]]; then cp "$file" "$save_path" else # Check to see if a template file exists with the file name. local t_file t_file=$(template_file "$file") # If the file exists, copy it. if [[ -f $t_file ]]; then cp "$t_file" "$save_path" elif [[ "$file" != "$icons_default_source/$file" ]]; then # If nothing else exists, try grabbing from the default source. image_copy "$icons_default_source/$file" "$file_name" return fi fi fi # Return the save relative path. echo "$icons_dir_name/$file_name.$extension" } # Read the module's configuration. read_config() { eval timestamp="\${${MODULE}_timestamp:-}" eval dusum="\${${MODULE}_dusum:-}" eval section="\${${MODULE}_section:-}" eval repo_title="\${${MODULE}_repo_title:-}" eval icon="\${${MODULE}_repo_icon:-}" eval repo_description="\${${MODULE}_repo_description:-}" eval disable_size_calc="\${${MODULE}_disable_size_calc:-0}" eval repo_skip="\${${MODULE}_repo_skip:-0}" eval timestamp_file_stat="\${${MODULE}_timestamp_file_stat:-}" } # Cli options. update_unknown_dir_size=0 selected_mirrors=() # Parse arguments. while (( $# > 0 )); do case "$1" in # If we should update directory size summaries for unknown repos. -u|--update-unknown-dir-size) update_unknown_dir_size=1 shift ;; # If help is requested, print it. -h|h|help|--help) print_help "$@" ;; # Print version. -v|--version) echo "Mirror File Generator (${VERSION})" exit 0 ;; # Check what mirror is requested. *) mirror="$1" shift # Verify that the mirror exists. foundMirror="" for MIRROR in ${MIRRORS:?}; do if [[ "$mirror" == "$MIRROR" ]]; then # Verify the path is configured for this mirror. eval path="\${${MIRROR}_path:-}" if [[ -z $path ]] || [[ ! -e $path ]]; then echo "The mirror $MIRROR is missing the path" exit 1 fi foundMirror="$MIRROR" fi done # If the mirror wasn't found, quit. if [[ -z $foundMirror ]]; then echo "Unknown mirror '$1'" echo print_help "$@" fi # Add mirror to list. # We are purposely adding quotes to match the space. # shellcheck disable=SC2076 if [[ ! " ${selected_mirrors[*]} " =~ " ${foundMirror} " ]]; then selected_mirrors+=("$foundMirror") fi ;; esac done # Redirect stdout to both stdout and log file. exec 1> >(tee -a "$LOGFILE") # Redirect errors to stdout so they also are logged. exec 2>&1 # Check existing pid file. if [[ -f $PIDFILE ]]; then PID=$(cat "$PIDFILE") # Prevent double locks. if [[ $PID == "$BASHPID" ]]; then log "Double lock detected." exit 1 fi # Check if PID is active. if ps -p "$PID" >/dev/null; then log "A sync is already in progress for ${MODULE} with pid ${PID}." exit 1 fi fi # Create a new pid file for this process. echo $BASHPID >"$PIDFILE" # On exit, remove pid file. trap 'rm -f "$PIDFILE"' EXIT # If no mirrors were selected, default to all. if (( ${#selected_mirrors[@]} == 0 )); then for MIRROR in ${MIRRORS:?}; do # Verify the path is configured for this mirror. eval path="\${${MIRROR}_path:-}" if [[ -z $path ]] || [[ ! -e $path ]]; then log "The mirror $MIRROR is missing the path" exit 1 fi # Add mirror to the list. # We are purposely adding quotes to match the space. # shellcheck disable=SC2076 if [[ ! " ${selected_mirrors[*]} " =~ " ${MIRROR} " ]]; then selected_mirrors+=("$MIRROR") fi done fi # Scan each mirror and build files. for ((i=0; i<${#selected_mirrors[@]}; i++)); do mirror=${selected_mirrors[i]} # Read all mirror configs. eval path="\${${mirror}_path:-}" eval title="\${${mirror}_title:-$mirror}" title=$(html_encode "$title") export title eval logo="\${${mirror}_logo:-}" eval description="\${${mirror}_description:-}" export description eval provider_site="\${${mirror}_provider_site:-}" provider_site=$(html_encode "$provider_site") export provider_site eval provider_name="\${${mirror}_provider_name:-}" provider_name=$(html_encode "$provider_name") export provider_name # If the image directory isn't there, make it. if [[ ! -d "$path/$icons_dir_name" ]]; then mkdir -p "$path/$icons_dir_name" fi # Grab the image and export the relative path for templates. logo_relative=$(html_encode "$(image_copy "${logo:-$icons_default_img}" logo)") export logo_relative # Default index file path. index_file_path="$path/$index_file_name" index_file_temp="$index_file_path.build" # If the index file should be generated, add the header and start sections. if ((index_generate)); then # Make temp file with the header templated filled out with exported variables. log "Generating index for $mirror at $index_file_path" envsubst < "$(template_file header.html)" > "$index_file_temp" # With each section, make a new section temporary file to build section lists. for SECTION in $SECTIONS; do eval section_title="\${section_${SECTION}_title:-${SECTION^} Mirrors}" section_title=$(html_encode "$section_title") export section_title envsubst < "$(template_file section.html)" > "$index_file_temp.$SECTION" done fi # If directory sizes should generate, start the file with current date. dir_sizes_file_path="$path/$dir_sizes_file_name" if ((dir_sizes_generate)); then log "Generating directory sizes file for $mirror at $dir_sizes_file_path" date > "$dir_sizes_file_path" fi # Keep record of total kbytes of repo sizes. totalKBytes=0 # For each directory under the mirror, generate repo data. for dir in "$path"/*; do # Some repos may be built with symbolic links, so get the real path. real_dir=$(realpath "$dir") # If the real path isn't a directory, ignore this path. if ! [[ -d $real_dir ]]; then continue fi # Get the directory name. dir_name=$(basename "$dir") # If this directory is the images directory, we should ignore it. if [[ "$dir_name" == "$icons_dir_name" ]]; then continue fi log "Checking repo $dir_name" # If a module was found, we do not need to look further. found_repo=0 # Check each module to see if this directory is a module's repo. for MODULE in ${MODULES:?}; do # Get the repo with the trailing slash removed. eval repo="\${${MODULE}_repo%/}" # Get the sync method for QFM detection. eval sync_method="\${${MODULE}_sync_method:-rsync}" # If is this module. if [[ "${repo:?}" == "$real_dir" ]]; then found_repo=1 # If QFM module, we need to determine sub path using QFM logic. elif [[ "${sync_method:?}" == "qfm" ]]; then # We need a mapping so we can know the final directory name. MODULEMAPPING=( fedora-alt alt fedora-archive archive fedora-enchilada fedora fedora-epel epel fedora-secondary fedora-secondary ) # Helper function to map to dir name. module_dir() { for ((M=0; M<${#MODULEMAPPING[@]}; M++)); do N=$((M+1)) if [[ "${MODULEMAPPING[$M]}" == "$1" ]]; then echo "${MODULEMAPPING[$N]}" break fi M=$N done } # Get what modules this module defines to get with QFM. eval modules="\$${MODULE}_modules" # Determine if any of the modules match this repo directory. docroot=$repo for module in ${modules:?}; do if [[ "$docroot/$(module_dir "$module")" == "$real_dir" ]]; then found_repo=1 break fi done fi # If this module was identified as this repo, grab configs. if ((found_repo)); then log "Found repo configurations" read_config # If a timestamp file exists, grab and format the date. if [[ -f ${timestamp:?} ]]; then repo_sync_time=$(date -d "@$(cat "${timestamp:?}")" '+%c') fi # If a directory usage summary exists and we're not skipping, parse the size. if [[ -f ${dusum:?} ]] && ((${repo_skip:-0} == 0)); then repo_size_kb=$(grep "$real_dir" "${dusum:?}" | awk '{print $1}') if [[ -n $repo_size_kb ]]; then totalKBytes=$((totalKBytes+repo_size_kb)) repo_size=$(echo "$repo_size_kb*1024" | bc | numfmt --to=iec) fi fi break fi done if ((found_repo == 0)); then # To allow customization of non synced modules, check each module. for MODULE in ${CUSTOM_MODULES:?}; do # Get the repo with trailing slash removed. eval repo="\${${MODULE}_repo%/}" # Confirm if this custom module is this repo, and parse configs if it is. if [[ "${repo:?}" == "$real_dir" ]]; then log "Found custom configurations" read_config fi done fi # If we should skip this repo, continue to the next. if ((${repo_skip:-0})); then # Unset all vars for next repo. unset repo_path repo_icon repo_title repo_size repo_size_kb \ repo_sync_time repo_description timestamp dusum section \ icon repo_skip disable_size_calc timestamp_file_stat continue fi # If a timstamp file stat is configured and the path exists, get the timestamp via stat. if [[ -e ${timestamp_file_stat:-} ]]; then # Get all timestamps, sort, and get the latest entry. latest_unix_stat=$(stat --format='%W %X %Y %Z' "$timestamp_file_stat" | tr ' ' '\n' | sort -nr | head -n1) # Format the timestamp. repo_sync_time=$(date -d "@$latest_unix_stat" '+%c') fi # HTML encode and export variables for subsitution. repo_path="$dir_name/" export repo_path repo_title=$(html_encode "${repo_title:-$dir_name}") export repo_title repo_description=$(html_encode "${repo_description:-}") export repo_description repo_sync_time=$(html_encode "${repo_sync_time:-Unknown}") export repo_sync_time # Grab the icon and get its relative path. repo_icon=$(html_encode "$(image_copy "${icon:-$icons_default_img}" "$dir_name")") export repo_icon # If repo size is undefined, check if an unknown repo directory size exists. if [[ -z ${repo_size:-} ]]; then unknown_path="$dir_sizes_unknown_path/$mirror/$dir_name" # If we should update the directory usage sizes, do so. if ((update_unknown_dir_size)) && ((${disable_size_calc:-0} == 0)); then log "Generating sum file for $dir_name" # If the mirror dir under the unknown repo path doesn't exist, create it. if [[ ! -e "$dir_sizes_unknown_path/$mirror" ]]; then mkdir -p "$dir_sizes_unknown_path/$mirror" fi # Get a sum, store to variable first to avoid having an empty file when another cron finishes. SUM=$({ du -s "$real_dir" } 2>/dev/null) # Save sum to file. echo "$SUM" > "$unknown_path" fi # If the unknown repo size path exists, grab it. if [[ -f $unknown_path ]]; then repo_size_kb=$(grep "$real_dir" "$unknown_path" | awk '{print $1}') if [[ -n $repo_size_kb ]]; then totalKBytes=$((totalKBytes+repo_size_kb)) repo_size=$(echo "$repo_size_kb*1024" | bc | numfmt --to=iec) fi fi fi # Export the repo size. repo_size=$(html_encode "${repo_size:-Unknown}") export repo_size # If we're generating the index.html, do so. if ((index_generate)); then section=${section:-$section_default} envsubst < "$(template_file repo.html)" >> "$index_file_temp.$section" fi # If we're generating the repo size file, add to it. if ((dir_sizes_generate)); then if ((dir_sizes_human_readable)); then printf "%-5s %s\n" "$repo_size" "$dir_name" >> "$dir_sizes_file_path" else printf "%-12s %s\n" "$repo_size_kb" "$dir_name" >> "$dir_sizes_file_path" fi fi # Unset all vars for next repo. unset repo_path repo_icon repo_title repo_size repo_size_kb \ repo_sync_time repo_description timestamp dusum section \ icon repo_skip disable_size_calc timestamp_file_stat done # If the index should be generated, add each section and footer. if ((index_generate)); then # Add all sections and remove teh temp file. for SECTION in $SECTIONS; do cat "$index_file_temp.$SECTION" >> "$index_file_temp" rm -f "$index_file_temp.$SECTION" done # Add footer subsituting environment variables. envsubst < "$(template_file footer.html)" >> "$index_file_temp" # Verify the index temp contains a repo before moving into place. if grep -q "Last Sync:" "$index_file_temp"; then [[ -f $index_file_path ]] && rm -f "$index_file_path" mv "$index_file_temp" "$index_file_path" fi fi # If we are generating the directory sizes file, add the total. if ((dir_sizes_generate)); then if ((dir_sizes_human_readable)); then printf "%-5s %s\n" "$(echo "$totalKBytes*1024" | bc | numfmt --to=iec)" "total" >> "$dir_sizes_file_path" else printf "%-12s %s\n" "$totalKBytes" "total" >> "$dir_sizes_file_path" fi fi # If we should generate the gloabl footer, do so. if ((footer_generate)); then log "Generating footer for $mirror at $path/$footer_file_name" envsubst < "$(template_file footer.txt)" > "$path/$footer_file_name" fi done