
579 lines
17 KiB

package main
import (
mqtt "github.com/eclipse/paho.mqtt.golang"
// LogLevel Definition
type LogLevel int
const (
// Logs info messages.
InfoLog LogLevel = iota
// Log only errors.
// MQTT, HTTP, and MIDI receive logging.
// MQTT, HTTP, and MIDI send logging.
// Debug messages.
// Provides a string value for a log level.
func (l LogLevel) String() string {
return [...]string{"Info", "Error", "Receive", "Send", "Debug"}[l]
// Configurations relating to MQTT connection.
type MQTTConfig struct {
// Hostname of the MQTT broker.
Host string `fig:"host"`
// Port of the MQTT broker.
Port int `fig:"port"`
// MQTT client ID of this relay.
ClientId string `fig:"client_id"`
// User name used for MQTT authentication.
User string `fig:"user"`
// Password used for MQTT authentication.
Password string `fig:"password"`
// Topic where MQTT messages are pushed and received.
// Set topic to `midi/example` and the following topics will be setup.
// midi/example/cmd - Any commands received on MIDI will publish here.
// midi/example/send - Any commands pushed via MQTT will be forwarded to MIDI.
// midi/example/status - Configuration is published on startup.
// midi/example/status/check - Request status.
Topic string `fig:"topic"`
// Disable sending all midi notes.
DisableMidiFirehose bool `fig:"disable_midi_firehose"`
// Disables the config send.
DisableConfigSend bool `fig:"disable_config_send"`
// Payload to decode/encode JSON message.
type MQTTPayload struct {
Channel uint8 `json:"channel"`
Note uint8 `json:"note"`
Velocity uint8 `json:"velocity"`
// Triggers that occur from MIDI messages received.
type NoteTrigger struct {
// Channel to match.
Channel uint8 `fig:"channel"`
// If we should match all channel values.
MatchAllChannels bool `fig:"match_all_channels"`
// Note to match.
Note uint8 `fig:"note"`
// If we should match all note values.
MatchAllNotes bool `fig:"match_all_notes"`
// Velocity to match.
Velocity uint8 `fig:"velocity"`
// If we should match all velocity values.
MatchAllVelocities bool `fig:"match_all_velocities"`
// Custom MQTT message. Do not set to ignore MQTT.
MqttTopic string `fig:"mqtt_topic"`
// Nil payload will generate a payload with midi info.
MqttPayload interface{} `fig:"mqtt_payload"`
// If the HTTP request should includ midi info.
MidiInfoInRequest bool `fig:"midi_info_in_request"`
// Should SSL requests require a valid certificate.
InsecureSkipVerify bool `fig:"insecure_skip_verify"`
// The URL to call with the HTTP request. Do not set if you wish to not send HTTP request.
URL string `fig:"url"`
// HTTP method, defaults to GET.
Method string `fig:"method"`
// HTTP body.
Body string `fig:"body"`
// HTTP headers.
Headers http.Header `fig:"headers"`
// Triggers that occur from HTTP or MQTT messsages received.
type RequestTrigger struct {
Channel uint8 `fig:"channel"`
Note uint8 `fig:"note"`
Velocity uint8 `fig:"velocity"`
// Parse midi notes from HTTP request.
MidiInfoInRequest bool `fig:"midi_info_in_request"`
// Absolute MQTT topic to subscribe.
MqttTopic string `fig:"mqtt_topic"`
// Sub topic off relay MQTT topic to subscribe.
// midi/example/$SUB_TOPIC
MqttSubTopic string `fig:"mqtt_sub_topic"`
// Rather or not to disallow payload to be relayed.
DisallowPayload bool `fig:"disallow_payload"`
// Request URL path to trigger with.
URI string `fig:"uri"`
// A common router for both receiving and sending MIDI messages.
type MidiRouter struct {
// Used for human readable config.
Name string `fig:"name"`
// Midi device to connect.
Device string `fig:"device"`
// MQTT Connection if you are to integrate with MQTT.
MQTT MQTTConfig `fig:"mqtt"`
// Only connect for sending notes, not receiving.
DisableListener bool `fig:"disable_listener"`
// Listener triggers for notes to send HTTP and or MQTT messages.
NoteTriggers []NoteTrigger `fig:"note_triggers"`
// HTTP and or MQTT triggers to send MIDI notes.
RequestTriggers []RequestTrigger `fig:"request_triggers"`
// How much logging.
// 0 - Info
// 1 - Errors
// 2 - MQTT, HTTP, and MIDI receive logging.
// 3 - MQTT, HTTP, and MIDI send logging.
// 4 - Debug
LogLevel LogLevel `fig:"log_level"`
// Connection to MIDI device.
MidiOut drivers.Out `fig:"-"`
// Function to stop listening to MIDI device.
ListenerStop func() `fig:"-"`
// The client connection to MQTT.
MqttClient mqtt.Client `fig:"-"`
// Logging function to allow log levels.
func (r *MidiRouter) Log(level LogLevel, format string, args ...interface{}) {
if level <= r.LogLevel {
log.Println(fmt.Sprintf(format, args...))
// When a MIDI message occurs, send the HTTP request.
func (r *MidiRouter) sendRequest(channel, note, velocity uint8) {
// If MQTT firehose not disabled, send to general cmd topic.
if r.MqttClient != nil && !r.MQTT.DisableMidiFirehose {
payload := MQTTPayload{
Channel: channel,
Note: note,
Velocity: velocity,
data, err := json.Marshal(payload)
if err != nil {
r.Log(ErrorLog, "Json Encode: %s", err)
} else {
topic := r.MQTT.Topic + "/cmd"
r.MqttClient.Publish(topic, 0, true, data)
r.Log(SendLog, "-> [MQTT] %s: %s", topic, string(data))
// Check each trigger to find requests that match this message.
for _, trig := range r.NoteTriggers {
// If match all notes, process this request.
// If not, check if channel, note, and velocity matches.
// The velocity may be defined to accept all.
if (trig.Channel == channel || trig.MatchAllChannels) && (trig.Note == note || trig.MatchAllNotes) && (trig.Velocity == velocity || trig.MatchAllVelocities) {
// For all logging, we want to print the message so setup a common string to print.
logInfo := fmt.Sprintf("note %s(%d) on channel %v with velocity %v", midi.Note(note), note, channel, velocity)
if trig.MqttTopic != "" && r.MqttClient != nil {
if trig.MqttPayload != nil {
data, err := json.Marshal(trig.MqttPayload)
if err != nil {
r.Log(ErrorLog, "Json Encode: %s", err)
} else {
r.MqttClient.Publish(trig.MqttTopic, 0, true, data)
r.Log(SendLog, "-> [MQTT] %s: %s", trig.MqttTopic, string(data))
} else {
payload := MQTTPayload{
Channel: channel,
Note: note,
Velocity: velocity,
data, err := json.Marshal(payload)
if err != nil {
r.Log(ErrorLog, "Json Encode: %s", err)
} else {
r.MqttClient.Publish(trig.MqttTopic, 0, true, data)
r.Log(SendLog, "-> [MQTT] %s: %s", trig.MqttTopic, string(data))
if trig.URL != "" {
// Default method to GET if nothing is defined.
if trig.Method == "" {
trig.Method = "GET"
// Parse the URL to make sure its valid.
url, err := url.Parse(trig.URL)
// If not valid, we need to stop processing this request.
if err != nil {
r.Log(ErrorLog, "Trigger failed to parse url: %s\n %s", err, logInfo)
// If MIDI info needs to be added to the request, add it.
if trig.MidiInfoInRequest {
query := url.Query()
query.Add("channel", strconv.Itoa(int(channel)))
query.Add("note", strconv.Itoa(int(note)))
query.Add("velocity", strconv.Itoa(int(velocity)))
url.RawQuery = query.Encode()
// If body provided, setup a reader for it.
var body io.Reader
if trig.Body != "" {
body = strings.NewReader(trig.Body)
// If debugging, log that we're starting a request.
r.Log(DebugLog, "Starting request for trigger: %s %s\n%s", trig.Method, url.String(), logInfo)
// Make the request.
req, err := http.NewRequest(trig.Method, url.String(), body)
if err != nil {
r.Log(ErrorLog, "Trigger failed to parse url: %s\n %s", err, logInfo)
// Add headers to the request.
req.Header = trig.Headers
// Configure transport with trigger config.
tr := &http.Transport{
TLSClientConfig: &tls.Config{InsecureSkipVerify: trig.InsecureSkipVerify},
client := &http.Client{Transport: tr}
// Perform the request.
res, err := client.Do(req)
if err != nil {
r.Log(ErrorLog, "Trigger failed to request: %s\n %s", err, logInfo)
// Close the body at end of request.
defer res.Body.Close()
// If debug enabled, read the body and log it.
if r.LogLevel >= DebugLog {
body, err := io.ReadAll(res.Body)
if err != nil {
r.Log(ErrorLog, "Trigger failed to read body: %s\n %s", err, logInfo)
r.Log(DebugLog, "Trigger response: %s\n%s", logInfo, string(body))
// Handler for HTTP requests.
func (m *MidiRouter) Handler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
// Check each request trigger for ones that match the request URI.
for _, t := range m.RequestTriggers {
// If matches request, process MIDI message.
if t.URI != "" && t.URI == r.URL.RawPath {
// Set default values to those from this trigger.
channel, note, velocity := t.Channel, t.Note, t.Velocity
// If MIDI info is in the request query, update to request.
if t.MidiInfoInRequest {
query := r.URL.Query()
// Regex to ensure only numbers are processed.
numRx := regexp.MustCompile(`^[0-9]+$`)
// Check for channel, and only configure if request has a valid value.
ch := query.Get("channel")
if numRx.MatchString(ch) {
i, err := strconv.Atoi(ch)
if err != nil && i <= 255 && i >= 0 {
channel = uint8(i)
// Check for note, and only configure if request has a valid value.
key := query.Get("note")
if numRx.MatchString(key) {
i, err := strconv.Atoi(key)
if err != nil && i < 255 && i >= 0 {
note = uint8(i)
// Check for velocity, and only configure if request has a valid value.
vel := query.Get("velocity")
if numRx.MatchString(vel) {
i, err := strconv.Atoi(vel)
if err != nil && i < 128 && i >= 0 {
velocity = uint8(i)
// Get send function for output.
send, err := midi.SendTo(m.MidiOut)
if err != nil {
m.Log(ErrorLog, "Failed to get midi sender for request: %s\n%s", t.URI, err)
http.Error(w, http.StatusText(http.StatusInternalServerError), http.StatusInternalServerError)
// Make the MIDI message based on information.
msg := midi.NoteOn(channel, note, velocity)
if velocity == 0 {
msg = midi.NoteOff(channel, note)
// Send MIDI message.
err = send(msg)
if err != nil {
m.Log(ErrorLog, "Failed to send midi message: %s\n%s", t.URI, err)
http.Error(w, http.StatusText(http.StatusInternalServerError), http.StatusInternalServerError)
// Update HTTP status to no content as an success message.
http.Error(w, http.StatusText(http.StatusNoContent), http.StatusNoContent)
// Send config to MQTT status.
func (r *MidiRouter) SendStatus() {
// If disabled, ignore.
if r.MQTT.DisableConfigSend {
// Make JSON dump.
config, err := json.Marshal(&r)
if err != nil {
r.Log(ErrorLog, "Json Error: %s", err)
// Send config.
r.MqttClient.Publish(r.MQTT.Topic+"/status", 0, true, config)
// Handle MQTT events.
func (r *MidiRouter) MqttOnEvent(client mqtt.Client, message mqtt.Message) {
r.Log(ReceiveLog, "<- [MQTT] %s: %s\n", message.Topic(), message.Payload())
// Check commands to see if one matches this topic.
for _, t := range r.RequestTriggers {
if (t.MqttTopic != "" && message.Topic() == t.MqttTopic) ||
(t.MqttSubTopic != "" && message.Topic() == r.MQTT.Topic+"/"+t.MqttSubTopic) {
// Set default values to those from this trigger.
channel, note, velocity := t.Channel, t.Note, t.Velocity
// If arguments allowed and provided, parse, otherwise use default payload.
arguments := MQTTPayload{
Channel: channel,
Note: note,
Velocity: velocity,
if !t.DisallowPayload && len(message.Payload()) != 0 {
err := json.Unmarshal(message.Payload(), &arguments)
if err != nil {
r.Log(ErrorLog, "Json Error: %s", err)
channel = arguments.Channel
note = arguments.Note
velocity = arguments.Velocity
// Get send function for output.
send, err := midi.SendTo(r.MidiOut)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("Failed to get midi sender for request: %s\n%s\n", message.Topic(), err)
// Make the MIDI message based on information.
msg := midi.NoteOn(channel, note, velocity)
if velocity == 0 {
msg = midi.NoteOff(channel, note)
// Send MIDI message.
err = send(msg)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("Failed to send midi message: %s\n%s\n", message.Topic(), err)
// If standard send topic.
if strings.HasPrefix(message.Topic(), r.MQTT.Topic+"/send") {
// If arguments allowed and provided, parse, otherwise use default payload.
var arguments MQTTPayload
if len(message.Payload()) != 0 {
err := json.Unmarshal(message.Payload(), &arguments)
if err != nil {
r.Log(ErrorLog, "Json Error: %s", err)
// Get send function for output.
send, err := midi.SendTo(r.MidiOut)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("Failed to get midi sender for request: %s\n%s\n", message.Topic(), err)
// Make the MIDI message based on information.
msg := midi.NoteOn(arguments.Channel, arguments.Note, arguments.Velocity)
if arguments.Velocity == 0 {
msg = midi.NoteOff(arguments.Channel, arguments.Note)
// Send MIDI message.
err = send(msg)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("Failed to send midi message: %s\n%s\n", message.Topic(), err)
} else if message.Topic() == r.MQTT.Topic+"/status/check" {
// Subscribe to MQTT Topic.
func (r *MidiRouter) MqttSubscribe(topic string) {
r.Log(DebugLog, "Subscribing MQTT: %s", topic)
if t := r.MqttClient.Subscribe(topic, 0, r.MqttOnEvent); t.Wait() && t.Error() != nil {
r.Log(ErrorLog, "MQTT Subscribe Error: %s", t.Error())
// Connect to MIDI devices and start listening.
func (r *MidiRouter) Connect() {
// If request triggers defined, find the out port.
if len(r.RequestTriggers) != 0 {
go func() {
for {
out, err := midi.FindOutPort(r.Device)
if err != nil {
r.Log(ErrorLog, "Can't find output device: %s", r.Device)
} else {
r.MidiOut = out
r.Log(ErrorLog, "Retrying in 1 minute.")
// If listener is disabled, stop here.
if !r.DisableListener {
go func() {
for {
// Try finding input port.
r.Log(InfoLog, "Connecting to input device: %s", r.Device)
in, err := midi.FindInPort(r.Device)
if err != nil {
r.Log(ErrorLog, "Can't find input device: %s", r.Device)
r.Log(ErrorLog, "Retrying in 1 minute.")
// Start listening to MIDI messages.
stop, err := midi.ListenTo(in, func(msg midi.Message, timestampms int32) {
var channel, note, velocity uint8
switch {
// Get notes with an velocity set.
case msg.GetNoteStart(&channel, &note, &velocity):
r.Log(ReceiveLog, "starting note %s(%d) on channel %v with velocity %v", midi.Note(note), note, channel, velocity)
// Process request.
r.sendRequest(channel, note, velocity)
// If no velocity is set, an note end message is received.
case msg.GetNoteEnd(&channel, &note):
r.Log(ReceiveLog, "ending note %s(%d) on channel %v", midi.Note(note), note, channel)
// Process request.
r.sendRequest(channel, note, 0)
// ignore
if err != nil {
r.Log(ErrorLog, "Error listening to device: %s", err)
r.Log(ErrorLog, "Retrying in 1 minute.")
r.Log(InfoLog, "Connected to input device: %s", r.Device)
// Update stop function for disconnects.
r.ListenerStop = stop
if r.MQTT.Host != "" && r.MQTT.Port != 0 {
go func() {
for {
// Connect to MQTT.
mqtt_opts := mqtt.NewClientOptions()
mqtt_opts.AddBroker(fmt.Sprintf("tcp://%s:%d", r.MQTT.Host, r.MQTT.Port))
r.MqttClient = mqtt.NewClient(mqtt_opts)
// Connect and failures are fatal exiting service.
r.Log(DebugLog, "Connecting to MQTT")
if t := r.MqttClient.Connect(); t.Wait() && t.Error() != nil {
log.Fatalf("MQTT error: %s", t.Error())
r.Log(ErrorLog, "Retrying in 1 minute.")
// Subscribe to MQTT topics.
r.MqttSubscribe(r.MQTT.Topic + "/send")
r.MqttSubscribe(r.MQTT.Topic + "/status/check")
// Subscribe to command topics configured.
for _, trig := range r.RequestTriggers {
if trig.MqttTopic != "" {
if trig.MqttSubTopic != "" {
r.MqttSubscribe(r.MQTT.Topic + "/" + trig.MqttSubTopic)
// On disconnect, stop and remove output device.
func (r *MidiRouter) Disconnect() {
r.MidiOut = nil
if r.ListenerStop != nil {