Email archive server with SysLog support and web interface.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

87 lines
2.1 KiB

package main
import (
_ ""
_ ""
_ ""
// Global application structure for communicating between servers and storing information.
type App struct {
context *cli.Context
config Config
db *gorm.DB
httpServer *HTTPServer
smtpServer *smtp.Server
sysLogServer *syslog.Server
sysLogMailUpdateQueue map[string]bool
messageCount uint
var app *App
// Main start of the application.
func appInit(c *cli.Context) {
app = new(App)
app.context = c
app.config = initConfig(c)
// Connect to the database.
db, err := gorm.Open(app.config.DBType, app.config.DBConnection)
if err != nil {
app.db = db
// Get message count.
// Automatically clean up old email every 30 minutes.
go RunDatabaseCleanup()
// Start SysLog servers.
app.sysLogMailUpdateQueue = make(map[string]bool) // Must initialize maps.
go SysLogServe()
// As syslog updates email status, we need to also update related messages.
go RunSysLogMailUpdateQueue()
// Start SNMTP server.
go SMTPServe()
func main() {
capp := cli.NewApp()
capp.Name = "mail-archive"
capp.Usage = "Email Archive Server with SysLog support and web interface."
capp.EnableBashCompletion = true
capp.Version = "0.1"
capp.Action = appInit // By default, we start the initialize function.
capp.Flags = []cli.Flag{
Name: "config, c",
Usage: "Load configuration from `FILE`",
cli.StringFlag{Name: "http-bind"},
cli.UintFlag{Name: "http-port"},
cli.StringFlag{Name: "smtp-bind"},
cli.UintFlag{Name: "smtp-port"},
cli.StringFlag{Name: "smtp-domain"},
cli.StringFlag{Name: "syslog-bind"},
cli.UintFlag{Name: "syslog-port"},
err := capp.Run(os.Args)
if err != nil {