Email archive server with SysLog support and web interface.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

100 lines
3.9 KiB

package main
import (
// Configuration Structure.
type Config struct {
HTTPBindAddr string `default:"" json:"http_bind_addr"`
HTTPPort uint `default:"80" json:"http_port"`
HTTPDebug bool `default:"false" json:"http_debug"`
SMTPBindAddr string `default:"" json:"smtp_bind_addr"`
SMTPPort uint `default:"25" json:"smtp_port"`
SMTPDomain string `default:"localhost" json:"smtp_domain"`
SysLogBindAddr string `default:"" json:"syslog_bind_addr"`
SysLogPort uint `default:"514" json:"syslog_port"`
SysLogUDP bool `default:"true" json:"syslog_udp"`
SysLogTCP bool `default:"false" json:"syslog_tcp"`
// There are some syslog ids which you may want to ignore because they belong to
// the original receiving message which is to be sent out, or because
// they belong to the message which is sent to this mail archive tool.
// This configuration allows you to specify strings which identify the syslog ids
// you wish to ignore.
// The ignore list only pertains to messages sent on or after the message-id message is received.
SysLogIgnoreContaining []string `json:"syslog_ignore_containing"`
StaticContentPath string `default:"./www/" json:"static_content_path"`
DBType string `default:"sqlite3" json:"database_type"` // Review documentation at
DBConnection string `default:"MailArchive.db" json:"database_connection"`
DBDebug bool `default:"false" json:"database_debug"`
MailPath string `default:"db" json:"mail_path"`
MaxAge time.Duration `default:"1209600" json:"max_age"` // Used for cleanup of old messages. Default is 2 weeks.
MaxMessageSize int `default:"5242880" json:"max_message_size"` // Default of 5 MB
MessagesPerPage int `default:"100" json:"messages_per_page"`
SpamReportingAPIBaseURLS []string `json:"spam_reporting_api_base_urls"`
SpamReportingAuthHeader string `json:"spam_reporting_auth_header"` // If your spam reporting tool uses a header for authentication. In `Header: Value` format
SpamReportingAuthKey string `json:"spam_reporting_auth_key"` // If your spam reporting tool uses a post variable.
SpamReportingAuthValue string `json:"spam_reporting_auth_value"` // If your spam reporting tool uses a post variable.
SpamReportingUploadName string `json:"spam_reporting_upload_name"`
SpamReportingSpamURI string `default:"learn_spam" json:"spam_reporting_spam_uri"`
SpamReportingHamURI string `default:"learn_ham" json:"spam_reporting_ham_uri"`
UICustomBrand string `defualt:"Mail Archive" json:"ui_custom_brand"`
UIDisableSpamReporting bool `defualt:"false" json:"ui_disable_spam_reporting"`
UIDisableLogs bool `defualt:"false" json:"ui_disable_logs"`
// Load the configuration.
func initConfig(c *cli.Context) Config {
usr, err := user.Current()
if err != nil {
// Configuration paths.
localConfig, _ := filepath.Abs("./config.json")
homeDirConfig := usr.HomeDir + "/.config/mail-archive/config.json"
etcConfig := "/etc/mail-archive/config.json"
// Determine which configuration to use.
var configFile string
if _, err := os.Stat(c.String("config")); err == nil {
configFile = c.String("config")
} else if _, err := os.Stat(localConfig); err == nil {
configFile = localConfig
} else if _, err := os.Stat(homeDirConfig); err == nil {
configFile = homeDirConfig
} else if _, err := os.Stat(etcConfig); err == nil {
configFile = etcConfig
} else {
log.Fatal("Unable to find a configuration file.")
// Load the configuration file.
config := Config{}
err = configor.Load(&config, configFile)
if config.HTTPPort == 0 {
log.Fatal("Unable to load the configuration file.")
return config
// Flags for the server command.
func configTestFlags() []cli.Flag {
return []cli.Flag{}