Email archive server with SysLog support and web interface.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

486 lines
17 KiB

package main
import (
// Commonly used strings.
const (
APIOK = "ok"
APIERR = "error"
APINoEndpoint = "No endpoint found"
APIReadMessage = "Error reading message."
APINoMessage = "Messages was not found"
// Main response structure.
type APIGeneralResp struct {
Status string `json:"status"`
Error string `json:"error"`
// Response with configuration.
type APIConfigResp struct {
CustomBrand string `json:"custom_brand"`
DisableSpamReporting bool `json:"disable_spam_reporting"`
DisableLogs bool `json:"disable_logs"`
MessageCount uint `json:"message_count"`
// Response with message log entries.
type APIMessageLogResp struct {
Messages []MessageLog `json:"messages"`
// Response with message entry.
type APIMessageEntryResp struct {
Messages MessageLog `json:"message"`
// Response to spam report requests.
type APISpamReportResp struct {
Requests []map[string]string `json:"requests"`
// Typical API responses are done with JSON. To make it easier to respond, this function will marshal/send json to a response writer.
func (s *HTTPServer) JSONResponse(w http.ResponseWriter, resp interface{}) {
// Encode response as json.
js, err := json.Marshal(resp)
if err != nil {
// Error should not happen normally...
http.Error(w, http.StatusText(http.StatusInternalServerError), http.StatusInternalServerError)
// If no error, we can set content type header and send response.
w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/json")
// There are quite a few request that send a general response on error. This function is to make it easy to build/send a general response.
func (s *HTTPServer) APISendGeneralResp(w http.ResponseWriter, status, error string) {
resp := APIGeneralResp{}
resp.Status = status
resp.Error = error
s.JSONResponse(w, resp)
// Setup HTTP router with routes for the API calls.
func (s *HTTPServer) RegisterAPIRoutes(r *mux.Router) {
api := r.PathPrefix("/api").Subrouter()
// Just a test call.
api.HandleFunc("/ping", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
s.APISendGeneralResp(w, APIOK, "")
// Retrieve the configuration.
api.HandleFunc("/config", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
resp := APIConfigResp{}
resp.CustomBrand = app.config.UICustomBrand
resp.DisableSpamReporting = app.config.UIDisableSpamReporting
resp.DisableLogs = app.config.UIDisableLogs
resp.MessageCount = app.messageCount
s.JSONResponse(w, resp)
// Retrieve message logs matching criteria provided.
api.HandleFunc("/message_log", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
r.ParseForm() // r.Form isn't filled unless we first parse.
query := r.Form.Get("q")
// Page variable provided should be an integer.
page, _ := strconv.Atoi(r.Form.Get("p"))
if page <= 0 { // If page is lower than 1, we need it to be page 1.
page = 1
// Offset based on page number and max messages per page set.
offset := app.config.MessagesPerPage * (page - 1)
if offset <= 0 { // If lower than 1, we can just set to -1 to unset the offset field in queries.
offset = -1
var entries []MessageLog
// If a query is not provided, we can just pull entires from the database without additional filters.
if query == "" {
app.db.Order("received desc").Offset(offset).Limit(app.config.MessagesPerPage).Find(&entries)
} else {
// As a query was provided, we need to parse the query out to a SQL where statement.
// Splitting the query up by words to allow matches against 2 differen fields in the same query.
// Example: sent
// The above will match both an email address and the status of sent.
queryS := strings.Split(query, " ")
var queries []string
var statements []interface{} // Must be an interface to expand to arguments in a function call.
// For each word, setup LIKE statements.
for _, q := range queryS {
likeStatement := "%" + q + "%"
// Append like queries to slice.
queries = append(queries, "(`from` LIKE ? OR `to` LIKE ? OR `subject` LIKE ? OR `source_ip` LIKE ? OR `message_id` LIKE ? OR `status` LIKE ?)")
// Append statements to slice.
statements = append(statements, likeStatement, likeStatement, likeStatement, likeStatement, likeStatement, likeStatement)
// Join queries with an AND, and also turn statements into arguments for the database WHERE statement.
app.db.Where(strings.Join(queries, " AND "), statements...).Order("received desc").Offset(offset).Limit(app.config.MessagesPerPage).Find(&entries)
// Return found entries, if any.
resp := APIMessageLogResp{}
resp.Status = APIOK
resp.Messages = entries
s.JSONResponse(w, resp)
// Pull log entries for a message.
api.HandleFunc("/message/{id}.log", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
vars := mux.Vars(r) // Parses the variable matched in the request URI.
UUID := vars["id"]
// If message id provided is blank, the message cannot exist.
if UUID == "" {
http.Error(w, http.StatusText(http.StatusNotFound), http.StatusNotFound)
// Search the database for a message log entry for the message id to ensure that it exists.
var messageEntry MessageLog
app.db.Where("uuid = ?", UUID).First(&messageEntry)
// If return UUID is blank, we didn't find an entry.
if messageEntry.UUID == "" {
http.Error(w, http.StatusText(http.StatusNotFound), http.StatusNotFound)
// Search for SysLog ID information that matches the message ID.
var matches []SysLogIDInfo
app.db.Where("message_id = ?", messageEntry.MessageID).Find(&matches)
// If no matches, no logs.
if len(matches) == 0 {
http.Error(w, http.StatusText(http.StatusNotFound), http.StatusNotFound)
// Place all SIDs into a slice so that we can run a single query to get all log messages.
var sids []string
hostname := matches[0].Hostname // The hostname of the first entry should suffice here. We shouldn't see another host with that message id.
for _, match := range matches {
sids = append(sids, match.SID)
// Find log messages orderd by timestamp matching the SIDs we gathered above.
var messages []SysLogMessage
app.db.Where("s_id IN (?) AND hostname = ?", sids, hostname).Order("timestamp").Find(&messages)
// If no log entries... We just can't provide them.
if len(messages) == 0 {
http.Error(w, http.StatusText(http.StatusNotFound), http.StatusNotFound)
// Log messages were found, we need content type to be plain text.
w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "text/plain")
// Print all logs to the response writer.
for _, message := range messages {
fmt.Fprintf(w, "%v %s %s: %s\n", message.Timestamp, message.Hostname, message.Tag, message.Content)
api.HandleFunc("/message/{id}.{type}", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
vars := mux.Vars(r) // Parses the variable matched in the request URI.
UUID := vars["id"]
messageType := vars["type"]
// If message id provided is blank, the message cannot exist.
if UUID == "" {
http.Error(w, http.StatusText(http.StatusNotFound), http.StatusNotFound)
// Get a io.Reader instance of the message data from either the database or file system, whichever is set.
reader, err := MailGetMessageData(UUID)
// If we could not get a reader, that is more than likely due to the message not existing.
if err != nil {
http.Error(w, http.StatusText(http.StatusNotFound), http.StatusNotFound)
// If we need to close after reading, defer the close to after this function call.
if x, ok := reader.(io.Closer); ok {
defer x.Close()
// Based on response type requested, parse the message data accordingly.
if messageType == "eml" { // Original email source.
// Provide standard email message mime type.
w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "message/rfc822")
// Copy message data to response writer.
_, err := io.Copy(w, reader)
if err != nil { // If error, return to client an error.
s.APISendGeneralResp(w, APIERR, APIReadMessage)
} else if messageType == "txt" { // Plain text format.
// Provide plain text mime type.
w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "text/plain")
// Parse the email fields.
email, err := parsemail.Parse(reader)
if err != nil { // If error, return to client an error.
s.APISendGeneralResp(w, APIERR, APIReadMessage)
// If email transfer encoding is quoted-printable, we need to decode the message.
encoding := email.Header.Get("Content-Transfer-Encoding")
if encoding == "quoted-printable" {
// Create a reader with the text body of the email.
bodyR := strings.NewReader(email.TextBody)
quotedR := quotedprintable.NewReader(bodyR)
// Copy from the reader to the response writer.
_, err = io.Copy(w, quotedR)
if err != nil { // If error, return to client an error.
s.APISendGeneralResp(w, APIERR, APIReadMessage)
} else if encoding == "base64" { // If encoded with Base64
// Create a reader with the text body of the email.
bodyR := strings.NewReader(email.TextBody)
base64R := base64.NewDecoder(base64.StdEncoding, bodyR)
// Copy from the reader to the response writer.
_, err = io.Copy(w, base64R)
if err != nil { // If error, return to client an error.
s.APISendGeneralResp(w, APIERR, APIReadMessage)
} else {
// As this is a standard plain text email, we can just write it to the response writer.
} else if messageType == "html" { // HTML body requested.
// Set mime type to html.
w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "text/html")
// Parse the email fields.
email, err := parsemail.Parse(reader)
if err != nil { // If error, return to client an error.
s.APISendGeneralResp(w, APIERR, APIReadMessage)
// If email transfer encoding is quoted-printable, we need to decode the message.
encoding := email.Header.Get("Content-Transfer-Encoding")
if encoding == "quoted-printable" {
// Create a reader with the html body of the email.
bodyR := strings.NewReader(email.HTMLBody)
quotedR := quotedprintable.NewReader(bodyR)
// Copy from the reader to the response writer.
_, err = io.Copy(w, quotedR)
if err != nil { // If error, return to client an error.
s.APISendGeneralResp(w, APIERR, APIReadMessage)
} else if encoding == "base64" { // If encoded with Base64
// Create a reader with the html body of the email.
bodyR := strings.NewReader(email.HTMLBody)
base64R := base64.NewDecoder(base64.StdEncoding, bodyR)
// Copy from the reader to the response writer.
_, err = io.Copy(w, base64R)
if err != nil { // If error, return to client an error.
s.APISendGeneralResp(w, APIERR, APIReadMessage)
} else {
// Standard HTML email body, we can just write it to the response writer.
} else {
// No matching message type was found. Just provide a no endpoint response.
s.APISendGeneralResp(w, APIERR, APINoEndpoint)
// Spam reporting request must be called with a PUT request as an extra procaution to ensure we actually want to report.
api.HandleFunc("/message/{id}/learn_{type}", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
vars := mux.Vars(r) // Parses the variable matched in the request URI.
UUID := vars["id"]
// If message id provided is blank, the message cannot exist.
if UUID == "" {
s.APISendGeneralResp(w, APIERR, APINoMessage)
// The response type should only be spam or ham.
reportType := vars["type"]
var reportingURI string
if reportType == "spam" {
reportingURI = app.config.SpamReportingSpamURI
} else if reportType == "ham" {
reportingURI = app.config.SpamReportingHamURI
// If the reporting URI was not sent, we return a no endpoint found message.
if reportingURI == "" {
s.APISendGeneralResp(w, APIERR, APINoEndpoint)
// To report spam, we need the message data. So we will find it in either the database or file system accordingly.
reader, err := MailGetMessageData(UUID)
if err != nil { // If no message found, we tell the client.
s.APISendGeneralResp(w, APIERR, APINoMessage)
// If we need to close after reading, defer the close to after this function call.
if x, ok := reader.(io.Closer); ok {
defer x.Close()
// Build a response for the request.
resp := APISpamReportResp{}
anySuccess := false // We rely on this variable to determine if a successful request was made.
// Multipart Form Data writer/buffer for sending message via post.
var b bytes.Buffer
mw := multipart.NewWriter(&b)
// file form entry.
fw, err := mw.CreateFormFile(app.config.SpamReportingUploadName, UUID+".eml")
if err != nil {
s.APISendGeneralResp(w, APIERR, "Unable to build report.")
// Copy message data to multipart form entry.
if _, err = io.Copy(fw, reader); err != nil {
s.APISendGeneralResp(w, APIERR, "Unable to build report.")
// If an authentication field is set, add it to the form data.
if app.config.SpamReportingAuthKey != "" {
mw.WriteField(app.config.SpamReportingAuthKey, app.config.SpamReportingAuthValue)
// We are done adding to the multipart form.
// Go through the configured spam reporting URLs and submit.
for _, baseURL := range app.config.SpamReportingAPIBaseURLS {
url := baseURL + reportingURI
// Request string map to provide feedback via API on what happend per reporting URL.
request := make(map[string]string)
request["url"] = url
// Make request for the report using the form data.
req, err := http.NewRequest("POST", url, &b)
if err != nil { // If failed, just mark this request as failed and continue.
request["success"] = "false"
request["error"] = fmt.Sprintf("%v", err)
resp.Requests = append(resp.Requests, request)
// Set the content type header to the multipart formdata header with proper boundary.
req.Header.Set("Content-Type", mw.FormDataContentType())
// If an authentication header is set in config, we need to send it.
authHeaderS := strings.Split(app.config.SpamReportingAuthHeader, ": ")
if len(authHeaderS) == 2 {
req.Header.Set(authHeaderS[0], authHeaderS[1])
// Setup http client.
client := &http.Client{
Timeout: time.Second * 10,
// Send report.
res, err := client.Do(req)
if err != nil { // If error, just store that this errored and continue.
request["success"] = "false"
request["error"] = fmt.Sprintf("%v", err)
resp.Requests = append(resp.Requests, request)
// If the status code is not ok, something went wrong... Store that this failed and continue.
if res.StatusCode != http.StatusOK {
request["success"] = "false"
request["error"] = fmt.Sprintf("%v", res.StatusCode)
resp.Requests = append(resp.Requests, request)
// If we made this this far, sending the report was a success.
request["success"] = "true"
// read the respons ebody.
defer res.Body.Close()
body, _ := ioutil.ReadAll(res.Body)
request["response"] = string(body)
// Add the request to the list of requests in the response.
resp.Requests = append(resp.Requests, request)
// A request was successful.
anySuccess = true
// If no successful request, we return an erro.
if !anySuccess {
resp.Status = APIERR
resp.Error = "No successful request was made."
} else { // If a request was successful, return an ok.
resp.Status = APIOK
// Send response.
s.JSONResponse(w, resp)
}).Methods("PUT") // Adds requirement of PUT method to the spam reporter request.
// Pull message entry.
api.HandleFunc("/message/{id}", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
vars := mux.Vars(r) // Parses the variable matched in the request URI.
UUID := vars["id"]
// The response structure.
resp := APIMessageEntryResp{}
// If message id provided is blank, the message cannot exist.
if UUID == "" {
resp.Status = APIERR
resp.Error = APINoMessage
s.JSONResponse(w, resp)
// Search the database for a message log entry for the message id to ensure that it exists.
var messageEntry MessageLog
app.db.Where("uuid = ?", UUID).First(&messageEntry)
// If return UUID is blank, we didn't find an entry.
if messageEntry.UUID == "" {
resp.Status = APIERR
resp.Error = APINoMessage
s.JSONResponse(w, resp)
resp.Status = APIOK
resp.Messages = messageEntry
s.JSONResponse(w, resp)
// If nothing else, we return a not found response.
api.PathPrefix("/").HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
s.APISendGeneralResp(w, APIERR, APINoEndpoint)