#!/bin/bash # Copyright (c) 2022 Mr. Gecko's Media (James Coleman). http://mrgeckosmedia.com/ # This is for backing up Rados Block Device (Ceph) storage. # A file to prevent overlapping runs. PIDFILE="/tmp/backup-image.pid" # If the pid file exists and process is running, exit. if [[ -f "$PIDFILE" ]]; then PID=$(cat "$PIDFILE") if ps -p "$PID" >/dev/null; then echo "Backup process already running, exiting." exit 1 fi fi # Create a new pid file for this process. echo $BASHPID >"$PIDFILE" # The borg repository we're backing up to. export BORG_REPO='/media/Storage/Backup/kvm' # If you have a passphrase for your repository, # set it here or you can use bash to retrieve it. # export BORG_PASSPHRASE='' # Set answers for automation. export BORG_UNKNOWN_UNENCRYPTED_REPO_ACCESS_IS_OK=yes export BORG_RELOCATED_REPO_ACCESS_IS_OK=yes export BORG_CHECK_I_KNOW_WHAT_I_AM_DOING=NO export BORG_DELETE_I_KNOW_WHAT_I_AM_DOING=NO # Set to empty string to disable pruning. PRUNE_OPTIONS="--keep-daily 7 --keep-weekly 4 --keep-monthly 6" # Remove PID file on exit. cleanup() { rm "$PIDFILE" } trap cleanup EXIT # Name the snapshot today's date. SNAPSHOT_NAME=$(date '+%Y-%m-%dT%H-%M-%S') # Keep number of snapshots in RBD. SNAPSHOTS_KEEP=0 # Allows providing an argument of a domain to specifically backup. BACKUP_DOMAIN="$1" # Failures should remove pid file and exit with status code 1. fail() { echo "$1" exit 1 } # If the domain is running, commit the changes saved to the snapshot to the image to finish the backup. cleanupSnapshots() { IMAGE="$1" snapshots=() # Read list of snapshots for the provided image. SNAPLIST_STATUS_TMP="/tmp/backup-snap-tmp" while read -r _ NAME _; do snapshots+=("$NAME") done < <( rbd snap list "$IMAGE" | tail -n +2 echo "${PIPESTATUS[0]}" >"$SNAPLIST_STATUS_TMP" ) # Get status from the snapshot listing. status=1 if [[ -f $SNAPLIST_STATUS_TMP ]]; then status=$(cat "$SNAPLIST_STATUS_TMP") rm "$SNAPLIST_STATUS_TMP" fi # If status has an error, exit. if ((status!=0)); then fail "Snapshot listing failed" fi # If the snapshot count is more than the number to keep, # remove snapshots until count matches. # The snapshots are listed from oldest to newest, so this # should keep the newer snapshots. snpashot_count=${#snapshots[@]} if ((snpashot_count>=SNAPSHOTS_KEEP)); then # Loop through snapshots until we removed enough to equal keep count. for ((i = 0; snpashot_count-i > SNAPSHOTS_KEEP; i++)); do NAME=${snapshots[$i]} echo "Removing snapshot: $IMAGE@$NAME" # Remove snapshot. rbd snap remove "$IMAGE@$NAME" done fi } # I save the status in a temporary file so I can error out and exit if a failure occurs. DOMLIST_STATUS_TMP="/tmp/backup-image-domlist-tmp" while read -r _ DOMAIN _; do # If the domain is empty, its not needed. if [[ -z "$DOMAIN" ]]; then continue fi # If a backup domain was provided, we're only going to backup that domain. if [[ -n "$BACKUP_DOMAIN" ]] && [[ "$BACKUP_DOMAIN" != "$DOMAIN" ]]; then continue fi # Get the images that need backing up. DEVS=() IMAGES=() BLKLIST_STATUS_TMP="/tmp/backup-image-blklist-tmp" while read -r DEV IMAGE; do # Ignore empty line or no image. if [[ -z "$IMAGE" ]] || [[ "$IMAGE" == "-" ]]; then continue fi # Ignore iso files. if [[ "$IMAGE" =~ \.iso$ ]]; then continue fi # Ignore non-rbd files. if [[ "$IMAGE" =~ ^\/ ]]; then continue fi # This image needs backing up. DEVS+=("$DEV") IMAGES+=("$IMAGE") done < <( virsh domblklist "$DOMAIN" | tail -n +3 echo "${PIPESTATUS[0]}" >"$BLKLIST_STATUS_TMP" ) # Get status from the block listing. status=1 if [[ -f $BLKLIST_STATUS_TMP ]]; then status=$(cat "$BLKLIST_STATUS_TMP") rm "$BLKLIST_STATUS_TMP" fi # If status has an error, exit. if ((status!=0)); then fail "Domain block listing failed" fi # For each image we can backup, back it up. for ((i = 0; i < ${#DEVS[@]}; i++)); do DEV=${DEVS[$i]} IMAGE=${IMAGES[$i]} # RBD_POOL=${IMAGE%/*} # RBD_IMAGE=${IMAGE##*/} # BACKUP_NAME="${RBD_POOL}_${RBD_IMAGE}" # Create a snapshot. rbd snap create "$IMAGE@$SNAPSHOT_NAME" # Export volume to borg backup. echo "Creating backup for $IMAGE" if ! rbd export "$IMAGE@$SNAPSHOT_NAME" - | pv | borg create \ --verbose \ --stats \ --show-rc \ "::$DOMAIN-$DEV-{now}" -; then fail "Failed to backup $IMAGE" fi # Prune if options are configured. if [[ -n "$PRUNE_OPTIONS" ]]; then echo "Pruning backups for $IMAGE" if ! eval borg prune --list \ --show-rc \ --glob-archives "'$DOMAIN-$DEV-*'" \ "$PRUNE_OPTIONS"; then fail "Failed to prune $DOMAIN" fi fi # Cleanup snapshots. cleanupSnapshots "$IMAGE" done # Backup the domain info. echo "Backing up $DOMAIN xml" if ! virsh dumpxml "$DOMAIN" | borg create \ --verbose \ --stats \ --show-rc \ "::$DOMAIN-xml-{now}" -; then fail "Failed to backup $DOMAIN" fi # Prune if options are configured. if [[ -n "$PRUNE_OPTIONS" ]]; then echo "Pruning backups for $IMAGE" if ! eval borg prune --list \ --show-rc \ --glob-archives "'$DOMAIN-xml-*'" \ "$PRUNE_OPTIONS"; then fail "Failed to prune $DOMAIN" fi fi done < <( virsh list --all | tail -n +3 echo "${PIPESTATUS[0]}" >"$DOMLIST_STATUS_TMP" ) # Get status from the domain listing. status=1 if [[ -f $DOMLIST_STATUS_TMP ]]; then status=$(cat "$DOMLIST_STATUS_TMP") rm "$DOMLIST_STATUS_TMP" fi # If status has an error, exit. if ((status!=0)); then fail "Domain listing failed" fi # Shrink repo. borg compact