package main import ( "log" "regexp" "strconv" "strings" "" "" ) // Creates a metric and appends it to the to the available metrics if enabled. func (e *LDAPExporter) NewMetric(metricName string, docString string, t prometheus.ValueType, value func() (float64, error)) { // If metric is disabled, stop here. for _, metric := range e.config.DisabledMetrics { if metric == metricName { return } } // Create info for this metric. info := metricInfo{ Desc: prometheus.NewDesc( prometheus.BuildFQName(namespace, "ldap", metricName), docString, nil, nil, ), Type: t, Value: value, } // Add metric to list. e.metrics = append(e.metrics, info) } // Sets up the exporter with all needed metrics for LDAP. func (e *LDAPExporter) setupMetrics() { // Setup basic metrics. e.up = prometheus.NewGauge(prometheus.GaugeOpts{ Namespace: namespace, Name: "ldap_up", Help: "Was the last scrape of FreeIPA successful.", }) e.totalScrapes = prometheus.NewCounter(prometheus.CounterOpts{ Namespace: namespace, Name: "ldap_scrapes_total", Help: "Current total HAProxy scrapes.", }) e.totalFailures = prometheus.NewCounter(prometheus.CounterOpts{ Namespace: namespace, Name: "ldap_failures_total", Help: "Number of errors while scapping metrics.", }) // Info: Number of active users. e.NewMetric("user_active_total", "Total number of active users.", prometheus.CounterValue, func() (float64, error) { return e.countSubordinates("cn=users,cn=accounts,") }) // Info: Number of stagged users. e.NewMetric("user_stage_total", "Total number of staged users.", prometheus.CounterValue, func() (float64, error) { return e.countSubordinates("cn=staged users,cn=accounts,cn=provisioning,") }) // Info: Number of inactive, preserved users. e.NewMetric("user_preserved_total", "Total number of preserved users.", prometheus.CounterValue, func() (float64, error) { return e.countSubordinates("cn=deleted users,cn=accounts,cn=provisioning,") }) // Info: Number of groups. e.NewMetric("group_total", "Total number of groups.", prometheus.CounterValue, func() (float64, error) { return e.countEntries("cn=groups,cn=accounts,", "(objectClass=ipausergroup)") }) // Info: Number of hosts. e.NewMetric("host_total", "Total number of hosts.", prometheus.CounterValue, func() (float64, error) { return e.countEntries("cn=computers,cn=accounts,", "(fqdn=*)") }) // Info: Number of services. e.NewMetric("service_total", "Total number of services.", prometheus.CounterValue, func() (float64, error) { return e.countEntries("cn=services,cn=accounts,", "(krbprincipalname=*)") }) // Info: Number of net groups. e.NewMetric("net_group_total", "Total number of net groups.", prometheus.CounterValue, func() (float64, error) { return e.countEntries("cn=ng,cn=alt,", "(ipaUniqueID=*)") }) // Info: Number of host groups. e.NewMetric("host_group_total", "Total number of host groups.", prometheus.CounterValue, func() (float64, error) { return e.countSubordinates("cn=hostgroups,cn=accounts,") }) // Info: Number of host base access crontrols. e.NewMetric("hbac_rule_total", "Total number of HBAC rules.", prometheus.CounterValue, func() (float64, error) { return e.countEntries("cn=hbac,", "(ipaUniqueID=*)") }) // Info: Number of sudo rules. e.NewMetric("sudo_rule_total", "Total number of sudo rules.", prometheus.CounterValue, func() (float64, error) { return e.countEntries("cn=sudorules,cn=sudo,", "(ipaUniqueID=*)") }) // Info: Number of DNS zones. e.NewMetric("dns_zone_total", "Total number of DNS zones.", prometheus.CounterValue, func() (float64, error) { return e.countEntries("cn=dns,", "(|(objectClass=idnszone)(objectClass=idnsforwardzone))") }) // Info: Number of certificates. e.NewMetric("certificate_total", "Total number of certificates.", prometheus.CounterValue, func() (float64, error) { return e.countEntriesFull( "ou=certificateRepository,ou=ca,o=ipaca", "(certStatus=*)", []string{"subjectName"}, ) }) // Info: Number of conflicts. e.NewMetric("conflicts_total", "Total number of LDAP conflicts.", prometheus.CounterValue, func() (float64, error) { return e.countEntriesFull( e.config.BaseDN, "(|(nsds5ReplConflict=*)(&(objectclass=ldapsubentry)(nsds5ReplConflict=*)))", []string{"nsds5ReplConflict"}, ) }) // Info: Number of ghost replicas. e.NewMetric("ghost_replica_total", "Total number of ghost replicas.", prometheus.CounterValue, func() (float64, error) { // Setup ghost record request. searchRequest := ldap.NewSearchRequest( e.config.BaseDN, ldap.ScopeSingleLevel, ldap.NeverDerefAliases, 0, 0, false, "(&(objectclass=nstombstone)(nsUniqueId=ffffffff-ffffffff-ffffffff-ffffffff))", []string{"nscpentrywsi"}, nil, ) // Search for ghost records. sr, err := e.conn.Search(searchRequest) if err != nil { return 0, err } // Check each entry and count replica entries. var count float64 for _, entry := range sr.Entries { // If the entry wsi is a replica but doesn't contain ldap, count it as a ghost. nscpentrywsi := entry.GetAttributeValue("nscpentrywsi") if strings.Contains(nscpentrywsi, "replica ") && !strings.Contains(nscpentrywsi, "ldap") { count++ } } return count, nil }) // Replica specific metrics. e.replicaLastUpdate = prometheus.NewDesc( prometheus.BuildFQName(namespace, "ldap", "replica_last_update"), "The last time a replica sync occurred.", []string{"replica"}, nil, ) e.replicaErrorCode = prometheus.NewDesc( prometheus.BuildFQName(namespace, "ldap", "replica_error_code"), "Error code from last replica sync.", []string{"replica"}, nil, ) } // Provide Promethues all descriptions of metrics exported. func (e *LDAPExporter) Describe(ch chan<- *prometheus.Desc) { for _, m := range e.metrics { ch <- m.Desc } ch <- e.up.Desc() ch <- e.totalScrapes.Desc() ch <- e.totalFailures.Desc() ch <- e.replicaLastUpdate ch <- e.replicaErrorCode } // Collects metrics exported and provide values to Prometheus. func (e *LDAPExporter) Collect(ch chan<- prometheus.Metric) { // Protect metrics from concurrent collects. e.mutex.Lock() defer e.mutex.Unlock() // Scrape LDAP metrics. up := e.scrape(ch) // Update the up status. e.up.Set(up) // If not up, count as a failed scrape. if up == 0 { e.totalFailures.Inc() } // Send basic metrics. ch <- e.up ch <- e.totalScrapes ch <- e.totalFailures } // Test LDAP and pull metrics. func (e *LDAPExporter) scrape(ch chan<- prometheus.Metric) float64 { // Increment the total number of scrapes. e.totalScrapes.Inc() // Attempt to connect. err := e.connect() // If failure, LDAP is down. if err != nil { log.Println("Error connecting to ldap:", err) return 0 } // Disconnect after done scrapping. defer e.disconnect() // Update data for each metric. for _, m := range e.metrics { // Get the value of the metric. value, err := m.Value() // If an error occurred getting the value, log it for debug. if err != nil { log.Printf("Error retrieving value for metric %s: %s\n", m.Desc.String(), err) } // Update the value. ch <- prometheus.MustNewConstMetric(m.Desc, m.Type, value) } // Get replica sync status. replicaSyncInfo, err := e.replicaSyncInfo() // If error returned, log it. if err != nil { log.Printf("Error retrieving replica sync info: %s\n", err) } // Error code parsing. statusRx := regexp.MustCompile(`Error \(([0-9-]+)\)`) // Update metric for each replica. for _, replica := range replicaSyncInfo { // Get the last update date UNIX time and send metric. ch <- prometheus.MustNewConstMetric(e.replicaLastUpdate, prometheus.GaugeValue, float64(replica.LastUpdateEnd.Unix()), replica.Host) // Check if status code can be parsed. match := statusRx.FindStringSubmatch(replica.Status) if len(match) == 2 { // Make status code a float64 as is used by Prometheus. Ignoring errors as none should exist with the regex match being integers only. errorCode, _ := strconv.ParseFloat(match[1], 64) // Send the status code as a metric. ch <- prometheus.MustNewConstMetric(e.replicaErrorCode, prometheus.GaugeValue, errorCode, replica.Host) } } // At this point, we were able to connect, so LDAP is up. return 1 }