@ -40,6 +40,9 @@ public:
AddCommand ( " ReplayAll " , static_cast < CModCommand : : ModCmdFunc > ( & CLogMySQL : : ReplayAllCommand ) , " [1|0] " , " Replay all messages stored. " ) ;
AddCommand ( " LogLimit " , static_cast < CModCommand : : ModCmdFunc > ( & CLogMySQL : : LogLimitCommand ) , " [0-9]+ " , " Limit the amount of items to store into the log. " ) ;
AddCommand ( " LogLevel " , static_cast < CModCommand : : ModCmdFunc > ( & CLogMySQL : : LogLevelCommand ) , " [0-4] " , " Log level. " ) ;
AddCommand ( " AddIgnore " , static_cast < CModCommand : : ModCmdFunc > ( & CLogMySQL : : AddIgnoreCommand ) , " Type[nick|chan] Target " , " Add to ignore list. " ) ;
AddCommand ( " RemoveIgnore " , static_cast < CModCommand : : ModCmdFunc > ( & CLogMySQL : : RemoveIgnoreCommand ) , " Type[nick|chan] Target " , " Remove from ignore list. " ) ;
AddCommand ( " IgnoreList " , static_cast < CModCommand : : ModCmdFunc > ( & CLogMySQL : : IgnoreListCommand ) , " " , " View what is currently ignored. " ) ;
void HostCommand ( const CString & sLine ) {
@ -196,6 +199,88 @@ public:
PutModule ( " LogLevel is " + now + " set to: " + setting ) ;
void AddIgnoreCommand ( const CString & sLine ) {
CString type = sLine . Token ( 1 ) ;
CString target = sLine . Token ( 2 ) ;
bool help = sLine . Equals ( " HELP " ) ;
if ( help ) {
PutModule ( " Inorder to add an ignore, you must choose what type of ignore it is which can ether be a nick or a chan. " ) ;
PutModule ( " Nicks are matched with wildcards against the full mask. " ) ;
PutModule ( " Channels are matched by #channel which can contain wildcards. " ) ;
} else if ( ! type . empty ( ) & & ! target . empty ( ) ) {
if ( type . Equals ( " nick " ) )
type = " nick " ;
else if ( type . Equals ( " chan " ) | | type . Equals ( " channel " ) )
type = " chan " ;
type = " " ;
if ( type . empty ( ) ) {
PutModule ( " Unknown type. If you need help, type \" AddIgnore help \" . " ) ;
return ;
if ( AddIgnore ( type , target ) )
PutModule ( " Successfully added \" " + target + " \" to the ignore list. " ) ;
PutModule ( " Failed, maybe it already existed? " ) ;
} else {
PutModule ( " If you need help, type \" AddIgnore help \" . " ) ;
void RemoveIgnoreCommand ( const CString & sLine ) {
CString type = sLine . Token ( 1 ) ;
CString target = sLine . Token ( 2 ) ;
bool help = sLine . Equals ( " HELP " ) ;
if ( help ) {
PutModule ( " Inorder to remove an ignore, you must specify the type and the exact pattren used to add it. If you need to find what currently exists, type \" IgnoreList \" . " ) ;
} else if ( ! type . empty ( ) & & ! target . empty ( ) ) {
if ( type . Equals ( " nick " ) )
type = " nick " ;
else if ( type . Equals ( " chan " ) | | type . Equals ( " channel " ) )
type = " chan " ;
type = " " ;
if ( type . empty ( ) ) {
PutModule ( " Unknown type. If you need help, type \" RemoveIgnore help \" . " ) ;
return ;
if ( RemoveIgnore ( type , target ) )
PutModule ( " Successfully removed \" " + target + " \" from the ignore list. " ) ;
PutModule ( " Failed, maybe it does not exist? " ) ;
} else {
PutModule ( " If you need help, type \" RemoveIgnore help \" . " ) ;
void IgnoreListCommand ( const CString & sLine ) {
if ( nickIgnoreList . size ( ) = = 0 ) {
PutModule ( " The nick ignore list is currently empty. " ) ;
} else {
PutModule ( " Nick ignore list contains: " ) ;
for ( vector < CString > : : iterator it = nickIgnoreList . begin ( ) ; it < nickIgnoreList . end ( ) ; it + + ) {
PutModule ( * it ) ;
PutModule ( " --- " ) ;
if ( chanIgnoreList . size ( ) = = 0 ) {
PutModule ( " The channel ignore list is currently empty. " ) ;
} else {
PutModule ( " Channel ignore list contains: " ) ;
for ( vector < CString > : : iterator it = chanIgnoreList . begin ( ) ; it < chanIgnoreList . end ( ) ; it + + ) {
PutModule ( * it ) ;
virtual bool OnLoad ( const CString & sArgs , CString & sMessage ) {
connected = true ;
databaseConnected = false ;
@ -237,45 +322,51 @@ public:
cout < < " LogMySQL: Database connected. \n " ;
MYSQL_RES * settings = mysql_list_tables ( database , " settings " ) ;
MYSQL_RES * messages = mysql_list_tables ( database , " messages " ) ;
if ( mysql_num_rows ( settings ) = = 0 | | mysql_num_rows ( messages ) = = 0 ) {
cout < < " Creating tables \n " ;
if ( mysql_num_rows ( settings ) = = 0 ) {
MYSQL_STMT * statement = mysql_stmt_init ( database ) ;
int status = mysql_stmt_prepare ( statement , " DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `settings` " , 31 ) ;
if ( status = = 0 ) {
mysql_stmt_execute ( statement ) ;
mysql_stmt_close ( statement ) ;
statement = mysql_stmt_init ( database ) ;
status = mysql_stmt_prepare ( statement , " CREATE TABLE `settings` (`name` text,`value` text) " , 50 ) ;
int status = mysql_stmt_prepare ( statement , " CREATE TABLE `settings` (`name` text,`value` text) " , 50 ) ;
if ( status = = 0 ) {
mysql_stmt_execute ( statement ) ;
mysql_stmt_close ( statement ) ;
SetSetting ( " replayAll " , " 0 " ) ;
SetSetting ( " logLimit " , " 1 " ) ;
SetSetting ( " logLevel " , " 1 " ) ;
SetSetting ( " version " , " 1 " ) ;
statement = mysql_stmt_init ( database ) ;
status = mysql_stmt_prepare ( statement , " DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `messages` " , 31 ) ;
if ( settings ! = NULL )
mysql_free_result ( settings ) ;
MYSQL_RES * messages = mysql_list_tables ( database , " messages " ) ;
if ( mysql_num_rows ( messages ) = = 0 ) {
MYSQL_STMT * statement = mysql_stmt_init ( database ) ;
int status = mysql_stmt_prepare ( statement , " CREATE TABLE `messages` (`rowid` int UNSIGNED AUTO_INCREMENT,`target` text,`nick` text,`type` text,`message` longblob,`time` decimal(20,5) UNSIGNED,PRIMARY KEY (`rowid`)) " , 170 ) ;
if ( status = = 0 ) {
mysql_stmt_execute ( statement ) ;
mysql_stmt_close ( statement ) ;
statement = mysql_stmt_init ( database ) ;
status = mysql_stmt_prepare ( statement , " CREATE TABLE `messages` (`rowid` int UNSIGNED AUTO_INCREMENT,`target` text,`nick` text,`type` text,`message` longblob,`time` decimal(20,5) UNSIGNED,PRIMARY KEY (`rowid`)) " , 170 ) ;
if ( messages ! = NULL )
mysql_free_result ( messages ) ;
MYSQL_RES * ignorelist = mysql_list_tables ( database , " ignorelist " ) ;
if ( mysql_num_rows ( ignorelist ) = = 0 ) {
MYSQL_STMT * statement = mysql_stmt_init ( database ) ;
int status = mysql_stmt_prepare ( statement , " CREATE TABLE `ignorelist` (`rowid` int UNSIGNED AUTO_INCREMENT,`type` text,`target` text,PRIMARY KEY (`rowid`)) " , 111 ) ;
if ( status = = 0 ) {
mysql_stmt_execute ( statement ) ;
mysql_stmt_close ( statement ) ;
SetSetting ( " replayAll " , " 0 " ) ;
SetSetting ( " logLimit " , " 1 " ) ;
SetSetting ( " logLevel " , " 1 " ) ;
if ( settings ! = NULL )
mysql_free_result ( settings ) ;
if ( messages ! = NULL )
mysql_free_result ( messages ) ;
if ( ignorelist ! = NULL )
mysql_free_result ( ignorelist ) ;
replayAll = atoi ( GetSetting ( " replayAll " ) . c_str ( ) ) ;
logLimit = strtoul ( GetSetting ( " logLimit " ) . c_str ( ) , NULL , 10 ) ;
logLevel = atoi ( GetSetting ( " logLevel " ) . c_str ( ) ) ;
unsigned long version = strtoul ( GetSetting ( " version " ) . c_str ( ) , NULL , 10 ) ;
if ( version = = 0 )
SetSetting ( " version " , " 1 " ) ;
} else {
cout < < " LogMySQL: Database unable to connect. \n " ;
@ -295,6 +386,8 @@ public:
void AddMessage ( const CString & target , const CString & nick , const CString & type , const CString & message ) {
if ( ! databaseConnected )
return ;
if ( IsIgnored ( " nick " , nick ) | | ( target . Left ( 1 ) . Equals ( " # " ) & & IsIgnored ( " chan " , target ) ) )
return ;
MYSQL_STMT * statement = mysql_stmt_init ( database ) ;
int status = mysql_stmt_prepare ( statement , " INSERT INTO `messages` (`target`, `nick`, `type`, `message`, `time`) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?) " , 87 ) ;
if ( status ! = 0 )
@ -611,8 +704,186 @@ public:
mysql_stmt_close ( statement ) ;
return stringValue ;
//Server stuff
void UpdateIgnoreLists ( ) {
if ( ! databaseConnected )
return ;
nickIgnoreList . clear ( ) ;
MYSQL_STMT * statement = mysql_stmt_init ( database ) ;
int status = mysql_stmt_prepare ( statement , " SELECT `target` FROM `ignorelist` WHERE `type`='nick' " , 53 ) ;
if ( status = = 0 ) {
status = mysql_stmt_execute ( statement ) ;
if ( status = = 0 ) {
MYSQL_RES * result = mysql_stmt_result_metadata ( statement ) ;
unsigned int dataCount = mysql_num_fields ( result ) ;
if ( dataCount = = 1 ) {
MYSQL_FIELD * fields = mysql_fetch_fields ( result ) ;
unsigned long length ;
char targetData [ fields [ 0 ] . length ] ;
MYSQL_BIND results [ 1 ] ;
memset ( results , 0 , sizeof ( results ) ) ;
results [ 0 ] . buffer_type = MYSQL_TYPE_STRING ;
results [ 0 ] . buffer = ( void * ) targetData ;
results [ 0 ] . buffer_length = fields [ 0 ] . length ;
results [ 0 ] . length = & length ;
status = mysql_stmt_bind_result ( statement , results ) ;
if ( status = = 0 ) {
while ( true ) {
status = mysql_stmt_fetch ( statement ) ;
if ( status ! = 0 )
break ;
CString ignore = CString ( targetData , length ) ;
nickIgnoreList . push_back ( ignore ) ;
break ;
mysql_free_result ( result ) ;
mysql_stmt_close ( statement ) ;
chanIgnoreList . clear ( ) ;
statement = mysql_stmt_init ( database ) ;
status = mysql_stmt_prepare ( statement , " SELECT `target` FROM `ignorelist` WHERE `type`='chan' " , 53 ) ;
if ( status = = 0 ) {
status = mysql_stmt_execute ( statement ) ;
if ( status = = 0 ) {
MYSQL_RES * result = mysql_stmt_result_metadata ( statement ) ;
unsigned int dataCount = mysql_num_fields ( result ) ;
if ( dataCount = = 1 ) {
MYSQL_FIELD * fields = mysql_fetch_fields ( result ) ;
unsigned long length ;
char targetData [ fields [ 0 ] . length ] ;
MYSQL_BIND results [ 1 ] ;
memset ( results , 0 , sizeof ( results ) ) ;
results [ 0 ] . buffer_type = MYSQL_TYPE_STRING ;
results [ 0 ] . buffer = ( void * ) targetData ;
results [ 0 ] . buffer_length = fields [ 0 ] . length ;
results [ 0 ] . length = & length ;
status = mysql_stmt_bind_result ( statement , results ) ;
if ( status = = 0 ) {
while ( true ) {
status = mysql_stmt_fetch ( statement ) ;
if ( status ! = 0 )
break ;
CString ignore = CString ( targetData , length ) ;
chanIgnoreList . push_back ( ignore ) ;
break ;
mysql_free_result ( result ) ;
mysql_stmt_close ( statement ) ;
bool AddIgnore ( const CString & type , const CString & target ) {
if ( ! IgnoreExists ( type , target ) ) {
MYSQL_STMT * statement = mysql_stmt_init ( database ) ;
int status = mysql_stmt_prepare ( statement , " INSERT INTO `ignorelist` (`type`, `target`) VALUES (?,?) " , 56 ) ;
if ( status ! = 0 )
return false ;
MYSQL_BIND bind [ 2 ] ;
memset ( bind , 0 , sizeof ( bind ) ) ;
bind [ 0 ] . buffer_type = MYSQL_TYPE_STRING ;
bind [ 0 ] . buffer = ( void * ) type . c_str ( ) ;
bind [ 0 ] . buffer_length = type . length ( ) ;
bind [ 0 ] . is_null = false ;
bind [ 1 ] . buffer_type = MYSQL_TYPE_STRING ;
bind [ 1 ] . buffer = ( void * ) target . c_str ( ) ;
bind [ 1 ] . buffer_length = target . length ( ) ;
bind [ 1 ] . is_null = false ;
status = mysql_stmt_bind_param ( statement , bind ) ;
if ( status ! = 0 ) {
mysql_stmt_close ( statement ) ;
return false ;
mysql_stmt_execute ( statement ) ;
mysql_stmt_close ( statement ) ;
if ( type . Equals ( " nick " ) )
nickIgnoreList . push_back ( target ) ;
else if ( type . Equals ( " chan " ) )
chanIgnoreList . push_back ( target ) ;
return true ;
return false ;
bool RemoveIgnore ( const CString & type , const CString & target ) {
if ( IgnoreExists ( type , target ) ) {
MYSQL_STMT * statement = mysql_stmt_init ( database ) ;
int status = mysql_stmt_prepare ( statement , " DELETE FROM `ignorelist` WHERE `type`=? AND `target`=? " , 54 ) ;
if ( status ! = 0 )
return false ;
MYSQL_BIND bind [ 2 ] ;
memset ( bind , 0 , sizeof ( bind ) ) ;
bind [ 0 ] . buffer_type = MYSQL_TYPE_STRING ;
bind [ 0 ] . buffer = ( void * ) type . c_str ( ) ;
bind [ 0 ] . buffer_length = type . length ( ) ;
bind [ 0 ] . is_null = false ;
bind [ 1 ] . buffer_type = MYSQL_TYPE_STRING ;
bind [ 1 ] . buffer = ( void * ) target . c_str ( ) ;
bind [ 1 ] . buffer_length = target . length ( ) ;
bind [ 1 ] . is_null = false ;
status = mysql_stmt_bind_param ( statement , bind ) ;
if ( status ! = 0 ) {
mysql_stmt_close ( statement ) ;
return false ;
mysql_stmt_execute ( statement ) ;
mysql_stmt_close ( statement ) ;
UpdateIgnoreLists ( ) ;
return true ;
return false ;
bool IgnoreExists ( const CString & type , const CString & target ) {
if ( type . Equals ( " nick " ) ) {
for ( vector < CString > : : iterator it = nickIgnoreList . begin ( ) ; it < nickIgnoreList . end ( ) ; it + + ) {
if ( target . Equals ( * it ) )
return true ;
} else if ( type . Equals ( " chan " ) ) {
for ( vector < CString > : : iterator it = chanIgnoreList . begin ( ) ; it < chanIgnoreList . end ( ) ; it + + ) {
if ( target . Equals ( * it ) )
return true ;
return false ;
bool IsIgnored ( const CString & type , const CString & target ) {
if ( type . Equals ( " nick " ) ) {
for ( vector < CString > : : iterator it = nickIgnoreList . begin ( ) ; it < nickIgnoreList . end ( ) ; it + + ) {
if ( target . WildCmp ( * it ) )
return true ;
} else if ( type . Equals ( " chan " ) ) {
for ( vector < CString > : : iterator it = chanIgnoreList . begin ( ) ; it < chanIgnoreList . end ( ) ; it + + ) {
if ( target . WildCmp ( * it ) )
return true ;
return false ;
//Server stuff
virtual void OnIRCDisconnected ( ) {
if ( connected ) {
connected = false ;
@ -955,6 +1226,9 @@ private:
bool replayAll ;
unsigned long logLimit ;
int logLevel ;
vector < CString > nickIgnoreList ;
vector < CString > chanIgnoreList ;
} ;
template < > void TModInfo < CLogMySQL > ( CModInfo & Info ) {