<?php // // dbSQLITE.php // IT Club // // Copyright (c) 2015, Mr. Gecko's Media (James Coleman) // All rights reserved. // // This file contains information on connecting to an SQLite database. // function connectToDatabase() { global $_MGM; if (isset($_MGM['DBConnection'])) closeDatabase(); $_MGM['DBConnection'] = NULL; $_MGM['DBConnection'] = new PDO("sqlite:".$_MGM['DBName']); $_MGM['DBConnection']->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE, PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION); if ($_MGM['DBPersistent']) $_MGM['DBConnection']->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_PERSISTENT, TRUE); if ($_MGM['DBConnection']==NULL) error("Database Connection Failed"); } function closeDatabase() { global $_MGM; if (isset($_MGM['DBConnection'])) { $_MGM['DBConnection'] = NULL; } } function escapeString($theString) { global $_MGM; return $_MGM['DBConnection']->quote($theString); } function quoteObject($theObject) { global $_MGM; if (is_null($theObject)) { return "NULL"; } else if (is_string($theObject)) { return escapeString($theObject); } else if (is_float($theObject) || is_integer($theObject)) { return $theObject; } else if (is_bool($theObject)) { return ($theObject ? 1 : 0); } return "NULL"; } function databaseQuery($format) { global $_MGM; $result = NULL; try { if (isset($_MGM['DBConnection'])) { $args = func_get_args(); array_shift($args); $args = array_map("quoteObject", $args); $query = vsprintf($format, $args); $result = $_MGM['DBConnection']->query($query); } //if ($result==NULL) error("Failed to run query on database"); } catch (Exception $e) { //echo $e->getMessage()."<br />\n"; //error("Failed to run query on database"); } return $result; } function databaseRowCount($theResult) { global $_MGM; if ($theResult==NULL) return 0; return $theResult->rowCount(); } function databaseFieldCount($theResult) { global $_MGM; if ($theResult==NULL) return 0; return $theResult->columnCount(); } function databaseLastID() { global $_MGM; $result = 0; if (isset($_MGM['DBConnection'])) { $result = $_MGM['DBConnection']->lastInsertId(); } return $result; } function databaseFetch($theResult) { global $_MGM; return $theResult->fetch(); } function databaseFetchNum($theResult) { global $_MGM; return $theResult->fetch(PDO::FETCH_NUM); } function databaseFetchAssoc($theResult) { global $_MGM; return $theResult->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); } function databaseResultSeek($theResult, $theLocation) { global $_MGM; return false; } function databaseFreeResult($theResult) { global $_MGM; $theResult = NULL; } ?>