
81 lines
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Raw Normal View History

2010-08-19 15:16:15 -05:00
<EFBFBD><EFBFBD>/* GeckoReporter Strings. */
2010-08-19 15:16:15 -05:00
/* Menus */
"Services" = "Services";
2010-08-19 15:16:15 -05:00
"Hide %@" = "Masquer %@";
"Hide Others" = "Masquer les autres";
"Show All" = "Tout afficher";
2010-08-19 15:16:15 -05:00
"Quit %@" = "Quitter %@";
"Edit" = "<00>dition";
"Undo" = "Annuler";
"Redo" = "R<00>tablir";
"Cut" = "Couper";
"Copy" = "Copier";
"Paste" = "Coller";
"Delete" = "Supprimer";
"Select All" = "Tout s<00>lectionner";
"Spelling and Grammar" = "Orthographe et grammaire";
"Show Spelling and Grammar" = "Afficher l'orthographe et la grammaire";
"Check Document Now" = "V<00>rifier le document maintenant";
"Check Spelling While Typing" = "V<00>rifier l'orthographe lors de la frappe";
"Check Grammar With Spelling" = "V<00>rifier la grammaire et l'orthographe";
"Correct Spelling Automatically" = "Corriger l'orthographe automatiquement";
"Speech" = "Parole";
"Start Speaking" = "Commencer la lecture";
"Stop Speaking" = "Arr<00>ter la lecture";
"Window" = "Fen<00>tre";
"Minimize" = "Placer dans le Dock";
"Zoom" = "R<00>duire/agrandir";
"Bring All to Front" = "Tout ramener au premier plan";
2010-08-19 15:16:15 -05:00
/* Error messages */
"Error could not send crash report." = "Erreur d'envoi de rapport de plantage.";
"Error could not send bug report." = "Erreur d'envoi de rapport de bogue.";
"Error could not send message." = "Erreur d'envoi de message.";
2010-08-19 15:16:15 -05:00
/* Incomplete fields message */
"Fields not filled." = "Champs non remplis.";
"Please be sure all fields are filled as all fields are required." = "Veuillez vous assurer que tous les champs n<00>cessaires sont remplis.";
2010-08-19 15:16:15 -05:00
/* Status not 200 error */
"Status Code Returned %d" = "Code d'<00>tat renvoy<00> %d";
2010-08-19 15:16:15 -05:00
/* Buttons */
"Ok" = "OK";
"Ignore All" = "Tout ignorer";
"Ignore" = "Ignorer";
"Send All" = "Tout envoyer";
"Cancel" = "Annuler";
"Send" = "Envoyer";
2010-08-19 15:16:15 -05:00
"Sending..." = "Envoi en cours& ";
/* Information Notice */
"Anonymous system information will be sent." = "Des informations syst<00>me anonymes seront envoy<00>es.";
2010-08-19 15:16:15 -05:00
/* Interface */
/* Crash Report */
"%@ Crashed" = "%@ a plant<00>";
"%@ crashed the last time you ran it. Would you like to send me a crash report so I can look into it?" = "%@ a plant<00> lors de votre derni<00>re utilisation. Souhaitez-vous envoyer un rapport de plantage <00> analyser<00>?";
"Report Date:" = "Date du rapport<00>:";
2010-08-19 15:16:15 -05:00
"%a, %m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S %p" = "%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S";
"What were you doing when the crash happened?" = "Que faisiez-vous au moment du plantage<00>?";
"Include an email address so I can update you on the crash?" = "Ajouter une adresse de courriel pour vous tenir au courant<00>?";
/* Bug Report */
"Bug Report" = "Rapport de bogue";
"What did you expect to happen and what didn't happen?" = "Quel r<00>sultat attendu ne s'est pas produit<00>?";
"How can I reproduce the bug?" = "Comment reproduire ce bogue<00>?";
"Include an email address so I can update you on the Bug?" = "Ajouter une adresse de courriel pour vous tenir au courant<00>?";
/* Contact */
"Contact Me" = "Contactez-moi";
"Subject:" = "Sujet<00>:";
"Feedback" = "R<00>action";
"Feature Request" = "Demande de fonctionnalit<00>";
"Support" = "Aide";
"Include your email so I can respond." = "Ajouter votre adresse de courriel pour la r<00>ponse.";
"Whom am I to refer you by?" = "Par quel nom dois-je vous d<00>signer<00>?";