// // MCMailProvider.h // mailcore2 // // Created by Robert Widmann on 4/28/13. // Copyright (c) 2013 MailCore. All rights reserved. // #ifndef MAILCORE_MCMAILPROVIDER_H #define MAILCORE_MCMAILPROVIDER_H #include #ifdef __cplusplus namespace mailcore { class NetService; class MailProvider : public Object { public: static MailProvider * providerWithInfo(HashMap * info); MailProvider(); virtual ~MailProvider(); virtual String * identifier(); virtual Array * /* NetService */ imapServices(); virtual Array * /* NetService */ smtpServices(); virtual Array * /* NetService */ popServices(); virtual bool matchEmail(String * email); virtual bool matchMX(String * hostname); virtual String * sentMailFolderPath(); virtual String * starredFolderPath(); virtual String * allMailFolderPath(); virtual String * trashFolderPath(); virtual String * draftsFolderPath(); virtual String * spamFolderPath(); virtual String * importantFolderPath(); // Returns true if one of the folders above matches the given one. virtual bool isMainFolder(String * folderPath, String * prefix); public: // subclass behavior MailProvider(MailProvider * other); virtual String * description(); virtual Object * copy(); public: // private virtual void setIdentifier(String * identifier); virtual void fillWithInfo(HashMap * info); private: String * mIdentifier; Array * /* String */ mDomainMatch; Array * /* String */ mDomainExclude; Array * /* String */ mMxMatch; Array * /* NetService */ mImapServices; Array * /* NetService */ mSmtpServices; Array * /* NetService */ mPopServices; HashMap * mMailboxPaths; virtual bool matchDomain(String * match, String * domain); void init(); }; }; #endif #endif