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// MCOIndexSet.h
// mailcore2
// Created by DINH Viêt Hoà on 3/23/13.
// Copyright (c) 2013 MailCore. All rights reserved.
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import <MailCore/MCORange.h>
/** similar to NSMutableIndexSet but supports int64_t. MCORange has a location (uint64_t) and length (uint64_t). */
@interface MCOIndexSet : NSObject <NSCopying, NSCoding>
/** Creates an empty index set.*/
+ (MCOIndexSet *) indexSet;
/** Creates an index set that contains a range of integers.*/
+ (MCOIndexSet *) indexSetWithRange:(MCORange)range;
/** Creates an index set with a single integer.*/
+ (MCOIndexSet *) indexSetWithIndex:(uint64_t)idx;
/** Returns the number of integers in that index set.*/
- (unsigned int) count;
/** Adds an integer to the index set.*/
- (void) addIndex:(uint64_t)idx;
/** Removes an integer from the index set.*/
- (void) removeIndex:(uint64_t)idx;
/** Returns YES if the index set contains the given integer.*/
- (BOOL) containsIndex:(uint64_t)idx;
/** Adds a range of integers to the index set.*/
- (void) addRange:(MCORange)range;
/** Removes a range of integers from the index set.*/
- (void) removeRange:(MCORange)range;
/** Removes all integers that are not in the given range.*/
- (void) intersectsRange:(MCORange)range;
/** Adds all indexes from an other index set to the index set.*/
- (void) addIndexSet:(MCOIndexSet *)indexSet;
/** Remove all indexes from an other index set from the index set.*/
- (void) removeIndexSet:(MCOIndexSet *)indexSet;
/** Removes all integers that are not in the given index set.*/
- (void) intersectsIndexSet:(MCOIndexSet *)indexSet;
/** Returns all the ranges of ths index set.*/
- (MCORange *) allRanges;
/** Returns the number of ranges in this index set.*/
- (unsigned int) rangesCount;
/** Enumerates all the indexes of the index set.*/
- (void) enumerateIndexes:(void (^)(uint64_t idx))block;
/** Returns an NSIndexSet from a MCOIndexSet */
- (NSIndexSet *) nsIndexSet;