File sharing made easy.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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// CocoaShareAppDelegate.h
// CocoaShare
// Created by Mr. Gecko on 1/15/11.
// Copyright (c) 2015 Mr. Gecko's Media (James Coleman). All rights reserved.
#import <Cocoa/Cocoa.h>
#import "MGMPlugInProtocol.h"
#import "MGMLocalized.h"
extern NSString * const MGMDisplay;
extern NSString * const MGMStartup;
extern NSString * const MGMUploadName;
extern NSString * const MGMHistoryCount;
extern NSString * const MGMGrowlErrors;
extern NSString * const MGMUploadLimit;
extern NSString * const MGMESound;
extern NSString * const MGMEPath;
extern NSString * const MGMEDelete;
extern NSString * const MGMEGrowl;
extern const int MGMEUploadingAutomatic;
extern const int MGMEUploadedAutomatic;
extern const int MGMEUploading;
extern const int MGMEUploaded;
extern NSString * const MGMEventNotification;
extern NSString * const MGMEvent;
extern NSString * const MGMEventPath;
extern NSString * const MGMEventURL;
extern NSString * const MGMFiltersPlist;
extern NSString * const MGMFPath;
extern NSString * const MGMFFilter;
@class MGMURLConnectionManager, MGMPreferences, MGMAbout, MGMMenuItem, MGMPathSubscriber;
@interface MGMController : NSObject
NSTimer *autoreleaseDrain;
MGMURLConnectionManager *connectionManager;
MGMPreferences *preferences;
MGMAbout *about;
ProcessSerialNumber frontProcess;
unsigned int windowCount;
IBOutlet NSMenu *mainMenu;
IBOutlet NSMenuItem *disableFilters;
MGMMenuItem *menuItem;
NSStatusItem *statusItem;
NSMutableArray *history;
NSMutableArray *filters;
NSLock *saveLock;
int saveCount;
MGMPathSubscriber *filterWatcher;
BOOL filtersEnabled;
NSMutableArray *accountPlugIns;
NSMutableArray *plugIns;
id<MGMPlugInProtocol> currentPlugIn;
int currentPlugInIndex;
NSMutableArray *MUThemes;
int currentMUThemeIndex;
NSLock *uploadLock;
NSMutableArray *multiUploadLinks;
NSMutableArray *uploads;
+ (id)sharedController;
- (void)registerDefaults;
- (MGMURLConnectionManager *)connectionManager;
- (MGMPreferences *)preferences;
- (void)loadPlugIns;
- (NSArray *)accountPlugIns;
- (NSArray *)plugIns;
- (void)setCurrentPlugIn:(id)thePlugIn;
- (id<MGMPlugInProtocol>)currentPlugIn;
- (int)currentPlugInIndex;
- (void)loadMUThemes;
- (NSArray *)MUThemes;
- (void)setCurrentMUTheme:(NSString *)theMUTheme;
- (int)currentMUThemeIndex;
- (NSString *)currentMUTheme;
- (void)setFrontProcess:(ProcessSerialNumber *)theProcess;
- (void)becomeFront:(NSWindow *)theWindow;
- (void)resignFront;
- (void)addMenu;
- (void)removeMenu;
- (void)setDockHidden:(BOOL)isHidden;
- (NSMutableArray *)history;
- (void)updateMenu;
- (void)addURLToHistory:(NSURL *)theURL;
- (IBAction)uploadFile:(id)sender;
- (IBAction)disableFilters:(id)sender;
- (IBAction)about:(id)sender;
- (IBAction)preferences:(id)sender;
- (IBAction)donate:(id)sender;
- (IBAction)quit:(id)sender;
- (NSMutableArray *)filters;
- (void)saveFilters;
- (MGMPathSubscriber *)filterWatcher;
- (NSArray *)filtersForPath:(NSString *)thePath;
- (void)updateFilterWatcher;
- (void)subscribedPathChanged:(NSString *)thePath;
- (void)removePassword;
- (void)setPassword:(NSString *)thePassword;
- (NSString *)password;
- (void)processEvent:(int)theEvent path:(NSString *)thePath;
- (void)processEvent:(int)theEvent path:(NSString *)thePath url:(NSURL *)theURL;
- (NSMutableArray *)uploads;
- (NSDictionary *)uploadForPath:(NSString *)thePath;
- (void)addPathToUploads:(NSString *)thePath isAutomatic:(BOOL)isAutomatic;
- (void)addPathToUploads:(NSString *)thePath isAutomatic:(BOOL)isAutomatic multiUpload:(int)multiUploadState;
- (void)processNextUpload;
- (void)upload:(NSString *)thePath receivedError:(NSError *)theError;
- (void)uploadFinished:(NSString *)thePath url:(NSURL *)theURL;
- (void)multiUploadPageCreated:(NSURL *)theURL;