#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wdeprecated-declarations" // // DBRestRequest.m // DropboxSDK // // Created by Brian Smith on 4/9/10. // Copyright 2010 Dropbox, Inc. All rights reserved. // #import "DBRequest.h" #import "DBError.h" #import "JSON.h" static id networkRequestDelegate = nil; @implementation DBRequest + (void)setNetworkRequestDelegate:(id)delegate { networkRequestDelegate = delegate; } - (id)initWithURLRequest:(NSURLRequest*)aRequest andInformTarget:(id)aTarget selector:(SEL)aSelector { if ((self = [super init])) { request = [aRequest retain]; target = aTarget; selector = aSelector; urlConnection = [[NSURLConnection alloc] initWithRequest:request delegate:self]; [networkRequestDelegate networkRequestStarted]; } return self; } - (void) dealloc { [urlConnection cancel]; [request release]; [urlConnection release]; [fileHandle release]; [userInfo release]; [response release]; [resultFilename release]; [tempFilename release]; [resultData release]; [error release]; [super dealloc]; } - (void)setFailureSelector:(SEL)theSelector { failureSelector = theSelector; } - (SEL)failureSelector { return failureSelector; } - (void)setDownloadProgressSelector:(SEL)theSelector { downloadProgressSelector = theSelector; } - (SEL)downloadProgressSelector { return downloadProgressSelector; } - (void)setUploadProgressSelector:(SEL)theSelector { uploadProgressSelector = theSelector; } - (SEL)uploadProgressSelector { return uploadProgressSelector; } - (void)setResultFilename:(NSString *)theName { [resultFilename release]; resultFilename = [theName retain]; } - (NSString *)resultFilename { return resultFilename; } - (void)setUserInfo:(NSDictionary *)theInfo { [userInfo release]; userInfo = [theInfo retain]; } - (NSDictionary *)userInfo { return userInfo; } - (NSURLRequest *)request { return request; } - (NSHTTPURLResponse *)response { return response; } - (int)statusCode { return [response statusCode]; } - (float)downloadProgress { return downloadProgress; } - (float)uploadProgress { return uploadProgress; } - (NSData *)resultData { return resultData; } - (NSString *)resultString { return [[[NSString alloc] initWithData:resultData encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding] autorelease]; } - (NSObject *)resultJSON { return [[self resultString] JSONValue]; } - (NSError *)error { return error; } - (void)cancel { [urlConnection cancel]; target = nil; if (tempFilename) { [fileHandle closeFile]; NSError* rmError; NSFileManager *manager = [NSFileManager defaultManager]; BOOL result = NO; if ([manager respondsToSelector:@selector(removeFileAtPath:handler:)]) result = [manager removeFileAtPath:tempFilename handler:nil]; else result = [manager removeItemAtPath:tempFilename error:&rmError]; if (!result) { NSLog(@"DBRequest#cancel Error removing temp file: %@", rmError); } } [networkRequestDelegate networkRequestStopped]; } #pragma mark NSURLConnection delegate methods - (void)connection:(NSURLConnection*)connection didReceiveResponse:(NSURLResponse*)aResponse { response = [(NSHTTPURLResponse*)aResponse retain]; if (resultFilename && [self statusCode] == 200) { // Create the file here so it's created in case it's zero length // File is downloaded into a temporary file and then moved over when completed successfully NSString* filename = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%.0f", 1000*[NSDate timeIntervalSinceReferenceDate]]; tempFilename = [[NSTemporaryDirectory() stringByAppendingPathComponent:filename] retain]; NSFileManager* fileManager = [[NSFileManager new] autorelease]; BOOL success = [fileManager createFileAtPath:tempFilename contents:nil attributes:nil]; if (!success) { NSLog(@"DBRequest#connection:didReceiveData: Error creating file at path: %@", tempFilename); } fileHandle = [[NSFileHandle fileHandleForWritingAtPath:tempFilename] retain]; } } - (void)connection:(NSURLConnection*)connection didReceiveData:(NSData*)data { if (resultFilename && [self statusCode] == 200) { @try { [fileHandle writeData:data]; } @catch (NSException* e) { // In case we run out of disk space [urlConnection cancel]; [fileHandle closeFile]; NSFileManager *manager = [NSFileManager defaultManager]; if ([manager respondsToSelector:@selector(removeFileAtPath:handler:)]) [manager removeFileAtPath:tempFilename handler:nil]; else [manager removeItemAtPath:tempFilename error:nil]; error = [[NSError alloc] initWithDomain:DBErrorDomain code:DBErrorInsufficientDiskSpace userInfo:userInfo]; SEL sel = failureSelector ? failureSelector : selector; [target performSelector:sel withObject:self]; [networkRequestDelegate networkRequestStopped]; return; } } else { if (resultData == nil) { resultData = [NSMutableData new]; } [resultData appendData:data]; } bytesDownloaded += [data length]; int contentLength = [[[response allHeaderFields] objectForKey:@"Content-Length"] intValue]; downloadProgress = (float)bytesDownloaded / (float)contentLength; if (downloadProgressSelector) { [target performSelector:downloadProgressSelector withObject:self]; } } - (void)connectionDidFinishLoading:(NSURLConnection*)connection { [fileHandle closeFile]; [fileHandle release]; fileHandle = nil; if ([self statusCode] != 200) { NSMutableDictionary* errorUserInfo = [NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithDictionary:userInfo]; // To get error userInfo, first try and make sense of the response as JSON, if that // fails then send back the string as an error message NSString* resultString = [self resultString]; if ([resultString length] > 0) { @try { SBJsonParser *jsonParser = [SBJsonParser new]; NSObject* resultJSON = [jsonParser objectWithString:resultString]; [jsonParser release]; if ([resultJSON isKindOfClass:[NSDictionary class]]) { [errorUserInfo addEntriesFromDictionary:(NSDictionary*)resultJSON]; } } @catch (NSException* e) { [errorUserInfo setObject:resultString forKey:@"errorMessage"]; } } error = [[NSError alloc] initWithDomain:@"dropbox.com" code:[self statusCode] userInfo:errorUserInfo]; } else if (tempFilename) { // Move temp file over to desired file NSFileManager *manager = [NSFileManager defaultManager]; if ([manager respondsToSelector:@selector(removeFileAtPath:handler:)]) [manager removeFileAtPath:resultFilename handler:nil]; else [manager removeItemAtPath:resultFilename error:nil]; NSError* moveError; BOOL result = NO; if ([manager respondsToSelector:@selector(movePath:toPath:handler:)]) result = [manager movePath:tempFilename toPath:resultFilename handler:nil]; else result = [manager moveItemAtPath:tempFilename toPath:resultFilename error:&moveError]; if (!result) { NSLog(@"DBRequest#connectionDidFinishLoading: error moving temp file to desired location: %@", [moveError localizedDescription]); error = [[NSError alloc] initWithDomain:moveError.domain code:moveError.code userInfo:userInfo]; } [tempFilename release]; tempFilename = nil; } SEL sel = (error && failureSelector) ? failureSelector : selector; [target performSelector:sel withObject:self]; [networkRequestDelegate networkRequestStopped]; } - (void)connection:(NSURLConnection*)connection didFailWithError:(NSError*)anError { [fileHandle closeFile]; error = [[NSError alloc] initWithDomain:anError.domain code:anError.code userInfo:userInfo]; bytesDownloaded = 0; downloadProgress = 0; uploadProgress = 0; if (tempFilename) { NSFileManager *manager = [NSFileManager defaultManager]; NSError* removeError; BOOL result = NO; if ([manager respondsToSelector:@selector(removeFileAtPath:handler:)]) result = [manager removeFileAtPath:tempFilename handler:nil]; else result = [manager removeItemAtPath:tempFilename error:&removeError]; if (!result) { NSLog(@"DBRequest#connection:didFailWithError: error removing temporary file: %@", [removeError localizedDescription]); } [tempFilename release]; tempFilename = nil; } SEL sel = failureSelector ? failureSelector : selector; [target performSelector:sel withObject:self]; [networkRequestDelegate networkRequestStopped]; } - (void)connection:(NSURLConnection*)connection didSendBodyData:(int)bytesWritten totalBytesWritten:(int)totalBytesWritten totalBytesExpectedToWrite:(int)totalBytesExpectedToWrite { uploadProgress = (float)totalBytesWritten / (float)totalBytesExpectedToWrite; if (uploadProgressSelector) { [target performSelector:uploadProgressSelector withObject:self]; } } @end