Chromium Updater
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13 years ago
  1. ��/* No comment provided by engineer. */
  2. "%@ of %@" = "%1$@ de %2$@";
  3. /* byte units */
  4. "B" = "B";
  5. "kB" = "kB";
  6. "MB" = "MB";
  7. "GB" = "GB";
  8. "%1$@ %2$@ has been downloaded and is ready to use! Would you like to install it and relaunch %1$@ now?" = "%1$@ %@ se ha descargado y est� lista para instalar. �Quiere instalar esta versi�n y volver a arrancar %1$@ ahora?";
  9. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  10. "%@ %@ is currently the newest version available." = "%1$@ %2$@ es la �ltima versi�n disponible.";
  11. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  12. "%@ %@ is now available--you have %@. Would you like to download it now?" = "%1$@ %2$@ est� disponible (usted tiene la %3$@). �Desea descargarla ahora?";
  13. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  14. "%@ does not have permission to write to the application's directory! Are you running off a disk image? If not, ask your system administrator for help." = "%@ no tiene permiso para escribir en el directorio de la aplicaci�n �Est� ejecutando la aplicaci�n desde una imagen de disco? Si no, pida ayuda a su administrador de sistemas.";
  15. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  16. "A new version of %@ has been installed!" = "�Se ha instalado una nueva versi�n de %@ !";
  17. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  18. "A new version of %@ is available!" = "�Hay una nueva versi�n de %@ !";
  19. "An error occurred while relaunching %1$@, but the new version will be available next time you run %1$@." = "Ocurri� un error al volver a arrancar %1$@, pero la nueva versi�n estar� disponible la pr�xima vez que inicie %1$@.";
  20. "Checking for updates..." = "Buscando actualizaciones &";
  21. "%@ downloaded" = "%@ se ha descargado";
  22. "You already have the newest version of %@." = "Ya tiene la versi�n m�s reciente de %@.";
  23. "%1$@ can't be updated when it's running from a read-only volume like a disk image or an optical drive. Move %1$@ to your Applications folder, relaunch it from there, and try again." = "No se puede actualizar %1$@ cuando funciona desde un volumen que solo permite la lectura, como una imagen de disco o una unidad de discos �pticos. Traslade %1$@ a la carpeta Aplicaciones, vuelva a arrancar la aplicaci�n y vuelva a intentarlo.";
  24. "An error occurred while parsing the update feed." = "Ocurri� un error al analizar la fuente de la actualizaci�n.";
  25. "An error occurred while installing the update. Please try again later." = "Ocurri� un error al instalar la actualizaci�n. Por favor, vuelva a intentarlo m�s tarde.";
  26. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  27. "An error occurred in retrieving update information. Please try again later." = "Ocurri� un error al recopilar informaci�n sobre la actualizaci�n. Por favor, int�ntelo de nuevo m�s tarde.";
  28. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  29. "An error occurred while extracting the archive. Please try again later." = "Ocurri� un error al extraer el archivo. Por favor, int�ntelo de nuevo m�s tarde.";
  30. "An error occurred while downloading the update. Please try again later." = "Ocurri� un error al descargar la actualizaci�n. Por favor, vuelva a intentarlo m�s tarde.";
  31. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  32. "An update is already in progress!" = "�Hay una actualizaci�n en proceso!";
  33. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  34. "Cancel" = "Cancelar";
  35. "Should %1$@ automatically check for updates? You can always check for updates manually from the %1$@ menu." = "�Debe %1$@ buscar actualizaciones autom�ticamente? Siempre podr�s hacerlo manualmente desde el men� de %1$@.";
  36. "A new version of %@ is ready to install!" = "�Hay una nueva versi�n de %@ lista para instalar!";
  37. "You're up-to-date!" = "�Ya tiene la versi�n m�s reciente!";
  38. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  39. "Downloading update..." = "Descargando actualizaci�n...";
  40. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  41. "Extracting update..." = "Extrayendo actualizaci�n...";
  42. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  43. "Install and Relaunch" = "Instalar y volver a arrancar";
  44. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  45. "Installing update..." = "Instalando actualizaci�n...";
  46. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  47. "No" = "No";
  48. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  49. "OK" = "OK";
  50. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  51. "Ready to Install" = "Preparado para instalar";
  52. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  53. "Update Error!" = "�Error de actualizaci�n!";
  54. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  55. "Updating %@" = "Actualizando %@";
  56. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  57. "Would you like %@ to check for updates on startup? If not, you can initiate the check manually from the %@ menu." = "�Quiere que %1$@ compruebe si hay actualizaciones al arrancar? Si no, puede iniciar la comprobaci�n manualmente desde el men� %2$@.";
  58. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  59. "Yes" = "S�";
  60. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  61. "You're up to date!" = "Ya tiene la versi�n m�s reciente";